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徐訏不但是小说家,也是诗人。有人说他小说家的名气太大,把诗名给遮住了。据作家钱歌川回忆,1939年秋他带了10年的积蓄从上海乘船赴欧洲,在船上与徐訏不期而遇,他与徐訏在上海时就已认识,在寂寞的航海中邂逅熟人令他喜出望外,他便掏出一个事先准备着的专让朋友们题辞的小本子请徐訏写点什么。徐訏握笔在手,略一思索,便写下了4行诗: Xu 訏 is not only a novelist, but also a poet. Some people say that his novelist’s reputation is too great, cover the name of the poem. According to the writer Qiangechuan memories, in the autumn of 1939 he took a 10-year savings to go to Europe by boat from Shanghai and unexpectedly met Xu Xu on board. He and Xu Wan met in Shanghai and met acquaintances in lonely voyages To make him overjoyed, he took out a preparatory book designed to let my friend a small notebook Xu Xu to write something. Xu 訏 holding pen in hand, a little thought, then wrote a 4 line poem:
两年前,在湖北武汉工作的王述祥,最喜欢下班后推着手推车逛超市。他发现手推车的正面、两侧都被挂上了各式各样的广告。消费者推着车来来回回,这些广告也跟着四处流动,手推车成为了新兴的广告载体。来到贵阳工作后,他发现超市手推车上却光秃秃的。于是他意识到:完全可以把武汉的那套模式搬到贵阳来,这是一个潜在的巨大机会!  2009年5月,王述祥在贵阳注册了一家广告传媒公司。然后选中附近的一家大型超市洽谈,超市负