CPAFFC President Chen Haosu Leads Delegation to Local Government Climate Change Leadership Summit

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   From June 1 to 10, a CPAFFC delegation led by its president Chen Haosu attended the Local Government Climate Change Leadership Summit and the UCLG World Council Meeting in Copenhagen, Demark.
  The Local Government Climate Change Leadership Summit was jointly sponsored by the International Organization of United Cities and Local Governments, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, the World Association of Major Metropolises and C40. Twenty-five seminars were held at the summit and more than 1,000 local government officials around the world participated in the summit. In his speech at the opening ceremony, Xie Hangsheng, Chinese ambassador to Demark, expounded the Chinese government’s stance on the United Nations Climate Change Conference Copenhagen and China’s actions to address the challenges of climate change.
  In his key-note speech at the seminar on the subject of “addressing drought”, CPAFFC President Chen Haosu briefed the participants on drought and water shortage China was facing. Citing as an example the severe drought that hit northern China in early 2009, he talked about the efforts in disaster relief and the measures to cope with drought and improve environment by the Chinese local governments at various levels. He called on all the cities and local governments in the world to strengthen cooperation to jointly rise to the challenges of climate change.
  During the summit, the Chinese Embassy in Denmark held a photo exhibition on climate change in China. The CPAFFC provided for the exhibition brochures and compact discs with the title Climate Change—China in Action.
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