强化领导 明确责任 积极推行农村合作医疗保健制度

来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuzhugugulili
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我县共有26个乡镇,553个行政村,37.1万人口,其中农业人口33.9万人。全县共有乡镇卫生院26所,其中中心卫生院4所。最近几年,我们在乡镇卫生院建设上取得了很大进展,但卫生院设备简陋,功能不全等因素还制约着卫生事业的发展,不能满足农民群众的医疗保健需求。为落实衡水地区行署[1995]3号文件,健全农村医疗保障体系的要求,我县从1995年3月份起,大力推行了“以乡镇为单位统筹资金,为卫生院购置设备,卫生院为群众减免检查检验费用”的乡办合作医疗保健制度,目前已取得可喜进展。到8月底,全县26个乡镇已全部实行了合作医疗,共筹集合作医疗基 There are 26 townships, 553 administrative villages and 371,000 people in my county, of which the agricultural population is 339,000 people. The county has a total of 26 township hospitals, including 4 central hospitals. In recent years, we have made great progress in the construction of township hospitals, but the poor facilities and incomplete functions of hospitals have also constrained the development of health services and cannot meet the peasants’ health care needs. In order to implement the document No. 3 of the Administrative Office of Hengshui District [1995] and improve the requirements of the rural medical security system, from March 1995 onwards, the county vigorously promoted “co-ordination of funds for townships and townships, purchase of equipment for health centers, and health centers for the people. The township-run cooperative health care system, which exempts inspection and inspection fees, has achieved encouraging progress. By the end of August, all the 26 townships in the county had implemented cooperative medical care to raise a total of cooperative medical institutions.
“公元前264年,罗马帝国和迦太基之间爆发了布匿战争。那一年,阿育王在比哈尔登基,秦始皇还是一个孩子,亚历山大博物馆的工作人员正在积极从事科学研究,而尚未开化的高卢人,则正在小亚细亚向帕加马索要贡品。”很久以来就习惯了韦尔斯式的纵横捭阖,读着他的类似的段落,心中还是有一丝困惑:严肃的历史著作真的可以这样写吗?  历史书怎样写得好看?房龙的《宽容》答曰:“通俗”,找出与自己的主题有关的片断大加渲染,
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