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1939年国民党五届五中全会召开后,蒋介石把战略方针由对外转入对内,由比较积极抗日转向消极抗日,反共反人民。国民党顽固派在不断制造摩擦事件的同时,又从重庆、西安等地向陕甘宁边区、向延安派遣特务。 当时在延安有两名以联络参谋身份出现的国民党高级特工人员。一个叫郭亚申,是国民党军队的上校,后来升为少将,改名郭仲容。另一个叫周历武,是中校,后升为上校。周历武负责收集情报,郭亚申负责往西安、重庆传送情报。他们直接受中统局领导,与西安特务机关发生横的关系。由于他们有公开的合法的身份,活动比较自由,有时也可以提出见毛泽东,但必须经过我们保卫部门批准。 After the Fifth Plenary Session of the Fifth Plenary Session of the KMT was held in 1939, Chiang Kai-shek shifted the strategic principle from the external to the internal and from the more active anti-Japanese to the negative anti-Japanese and the anti-Communist anti-people. While the contingent of the Kuomintang (KMT) kept making friction, they dispatched spies to the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region from Chongqing and Xi’an to dispatch spies to Yan’an. At that time, there were two senior Kuomintang agents in Yan’an who appeared as liaison officers. One called Guo Yashen, the colonel of the Kuomintang army, later promoted to major general, was renamed Guo Zhongrong. Another called Zhou Liwu, is the colonel, later promoted to colonel. Zhou Liwu responsible for gathering intelligence, Guo Yashen responsible for the Xi’an, Chongqing intelligence transmission. They are directly under the leadership of the Central Bureau, and Xi’an spy agencies horizontal relationship. Due to their open and legal status, the activities are relatively free, and Mao Zedong can sometimes be brought forward, subject to the approval of our security department.
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(1)当冷车发动机启动后机油 ,压力随着机车温度的升高逐渐下降 ,甚至降到“0”位。这说明机车可能有如下故障 :①机油限压阀或回油阀磨损、密封不严而漏油。②曲轴瓦、连杆瓦磨损
收割机在作业中如果突然出现割台升降失灵 ,而转向正常 ,故障的原因可能是多路换向阀内的节流孔堵塞。排除方法为 :拆开回油阀 ,取出中心圆柱体 ,用细钢丝将节流孔捅通 ,安装