
来源 :安徽农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jtyz888
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小麦赤霉病(主要是穗腐病)是安庆地区重要病害之一,尤以望江、貴池、棕阳、怀宁、安庆等县、市的沿江洲圩地区更重,在一般年份发病率为5—10%,1952年和1954年曾两次大流行,減产約二至三成,重的达五成。1963年又是1954年以来发生最严重的一年,其特点是:发生期早、发展时期长、蔓延迅速、发病面积广、为害程度严重,据调查,安庆、棕阳、望江等沿江洲圩地区平均病穗率依次为58.7%、46%和19.6%。例如,我所小麦病穗率平均为58.7%、最高为75.9%、最低为30.8%,病情指数平均为二十点四、最高为三十点八五、最低为十二点五五,比发病輕的1962年重九十七点八倍,比病情較重的1960年也重三点二倍,据估計,南大二四一九小麦約减产二成以上。 Wheat head blight (mainly ear rot) is one of the important diseases in Anqing area, especially in Wangjiang, Guichi, Banyang, Huaining, Anqing and other counties, cities along the Yangtze River Delta area heavier in the general year of onset The rate was 5 - 10%. In 1952 and 1954, there were two pandemics, reducing output by about 20% to 30% and weighing as high as 50%. 1963 is the most serious year since 1954.It has the characteristics of early occurrence, long development period, rapid spread, extensive disease coverage and serious damage. According to the survey, there are many rivers and lakes in Anqing, The average disease panicle area rates were 58.7%, 46% and 19.6%. For example, the average rate of disease in wheat is 58.7%, the highest is 75.9% and the lowest is 30.8%. The average index of illness is 20.4, the highest is 35.85, the lowest is 12.55, Light in 1962, it was 97.8 times heavier than in 1960, which was heavier than previous years. It is estimated that the output of 20,419 wheat sets of Nanda’s 2419 wheat will be reduced by about 20%.
作者根据近几年来的调查研究結果,認为影响蚕豆毒素病发生与下面几个因素有关: 一、苗期(尤其是10月份)的大气湿度和雨量: 1959年和1961年10月份干旱少雨,全月降水量分别为
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呋喃丹是美国FMC公司生产的一种氨基呷酸酯类杀虫剂,具有内吸、渗透、触杀及胃毒等作用。在我国除广泛用于防治水稻害 Carbofuran is a kind of amino acid insecticide pr
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家长在教育孩子时,往往过分关注他们的衣食住行及智力教育,却忽视了孩子的心理素质培养,有关研究人员对孩子的心理素质进行了研究,发现幼儿的心理障碍问题不容忽视。 When p
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