
来源 :小演奏家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiyideta21
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我从6岁多开始学钢琴,到现在已经有3年了。我自从学钢琴以来,每天放学就多了一个任务,那就是完成钢琴老师布置给我要求弹会的曲目。刚开始学琴的时候,我由于没有什么耐性,总是坐不住,而且自己想怎么弹就怎么弹。妈妈就从头到尾陪着我,按老师的要求督促我练琴。时间长了,我就开始不耐烦了,总是不听她的。妈妈 I’ve been learning the piano since I was 6 years old and have been there for 3 years now. Since I learned the piano, I had one more task every day after school, that is, I finished the piano instructor’s arrangement for the song I asked for. When I first started to learn the piano, I could not sit still due to my lack of patience, and how I wanted to play on my own. Mom accompanied me from start to finish, urged me to practice the piano according to the teacher’s request. A long time, I began to be impatient, and always do not listen to her. mom
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磷胺(Phosphamidon)是一种内吸有机磷杀虫剂。化学名称是0,0—二甲基—0—2氯—2二乙胺基甲酰—1—甲基乙烯磷酸酯。结构式为: 纯的磷胺为无色无臭的液体(商品液剂一般着色
在巴布亚和新几内亚地区为害巴西橡胶树的害虫大多是不大重要的。端萎缘蝽(Ambly-pel(?)a lutescens Papuensis)(俗名巴布亚端萎缘蝽)是其中最重要的一种。本文描述在橡胶树
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