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开普敦地区拥有众多世界级的景观,桌山(TableMountain)是其中一,风光惊艳,常被南非政府用来代表南非之美。每当太阳升起,大西洋上玫瑰红的朝霞,穿透空气中的薄雾,映在海滩一侧的桌山上,淡淡的金黄和浓重的阴影使山体威武雄壮起来,若是山顶覆有白云,开普敦人认为那是上帝已铺上“桌巾”准备用餐,当日天气必定多云转阴。桌山山高1085米,顶宽3200米,以山顶如刀削似桌面而得名。搭乘360度全景式缆车,车厢慢慢地旋转,视野角度的任何变换都能将美丽的桌湾、开普敦市区和开普半岛的蔚蓝海岸线一览无遗。山顶的大圆盘上雕刻记述了普敦距离世界各主要城市的距离,到北京的距离是12960公里。桌山山顶上的确比较平坦,辟出一条小道供游人步行,有15分钟、25分钟和40分钟三种不同的回路。桌山下的国家植物园,占地560公顷,整洁清净,植物配置大气加之阴光明媚,使草地、乔木和灌木都显得精神盎然。在桌山顶眺望开普顿,就象巨石整齐垒起的一座山,如月切般平直的线脚,每块石头立方体一样的方正,数不清的悬崖峭壁,而山脚的城市布局却毫无坠石之虞,我们似乎找不出答案,这里和自然是那么近,也许与自然相栖,才不必防备,也许与自然相通,才不必解答。 Cape Town has many world-class landscapes. Table Mountain is one of the most stunning and is often used by the South African government to represent the beauty of South Africa. Whenever the sun rises, the rosy glow on the Atlantic Ocean, through the mist in the air, reflected in the table on the beach side of the mountain, a touch of golden and thick shadows make the mighty mighty mountains, if the top covered with white clouds, open The Cape Town people think it is God has spread the “doily” ready to eat, the weather will be cloudy and cloudy. Table Mountain 1085 meters high, 3200 meters wide top to the top of the mountain, such as the name of the desktop like knife. Take a 360-degree panoramic cable car, the car slowly rotating, any change of perspective can view the beautiful Table Bay, Cape Town and the Cape Peninsula, the blue coastline at a glance. The great disc on the top of the hill engraves the distance between Cape Town and major cities in the world. The distance to Beijing is 12960 km. Table Mountain Peak is indeed relatively flat, offering a walk for visitors, 15 minutes, 25 minutes and 40 minutes of three different circuits. Table Mountain under the National Botanical Garden, covering 560 hectares, neat and clean, the atmosphere of plants coupled with the bright shade, the grass, trees and shrubs are full of energy. On the top of the table overlooking Cape Town, like a monolith neatly built a mountain, such as the moon-cut straight legs, each stone cube-like Founder, countless cliffs, and the foothills of the city layout but no fall Stone Yu, we seem to find no answer, here and nature is so close, perhaps with habitat, they do not have to prepare, perhaps with nature, do not have to answer.