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去年年底,在一次聚餐中与文友聊天。我说我是在福田住了九年之后,于三年前才搬到布吉的,我是布吉人,我非常喜欢布吉。这话也许显得有点矫情,所以随即有人嗤笑起来。正当我要为维护布吉的体面而据理力争时,有个人发话了。此君对深圳问题有很多独到的研究与见解。他见多识广,理论缜密,符合我对现代城市精英的全部想象。我希望他站在我这一边。但他很绅士地说:布吉片区作为一个有名的城乡结合部,类似于香港 Late last year, chatting with friends in a dinner. I said that after I lived in Futian for nine years, I moved to Phuket three years ago. I am a Buji and I really like Buji. This may seem a bit hypnotic, so some people laugh at it. While I am going to argue for the sake of preserving Phuket’s decency, one person has spoken. This monarch has a lot of unique research and opinions on the Shenzhen issue. He was knowledgeable, well-disciplined and in line with all my imagination of the modern urban elite. I hope he is on my side However, he said very gentlely: Phuket District as a well-known urban-rural junction, similar to Hong Kong
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