~(60)Co r-射线对大白鼠脑不同部位氨含量的影响及AET的防护作用

来源 :南京大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimiwison
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1.研究了大白鼠经500γ ~60Co γ—射线一次全身照射后大脑皮层、间脑及延脑中的氨含量。照射后即刻这些脑区中氨含量明显升高,照射后24小时大脑皮层及延脑中氨含量仍明显高于对照,而间脑则接近正常。这说明照射后即刻及24小时大白鼠脑的机能处于兴奋状态。 2.大白鼠腹腔注射AET(100mg/kg体重)后,大脑皮层及延脑中氨含量显著下降,间脑氨含量未明显降低。这一结果说明抗放药物AET本身对大脑皮层和延脑的机能具有抑制作用。 3.照射前注射AET进行防护的动物,在照射后即刻和24小时这些脑区氨含量均非常显著地低于未防护的动物。从脑氨含量变化来看,AET对大白鼠脑各部的抗放效应,可能与AET使神经系统处于抑制状态有关。 1. Acute exposure to 500γ ~ 60Coγ-rays in rats after a whole body of the brain cortex, diencephalon and brain in the ammonia content. Immediately after irradiation, the contents of ammonia in these brain regions were significantly increased. The contents of ammonia in cerebral cortex and extensor brain at 24 hours after irradiation were still significantly higher than those in controls, while the diencephalon was normal. This shows that immediately after irradiation and 24 hours rat brain function in an excited state. After intraperitoneal injection of AET (100mg / kg body weight), the ammonia content in cerebral cortex and extensor brain decreased significantly, and the content of ammonia in brain did not decrease significantly. This result shows that anti-drug AET itself has an inhibitory effect on the function of cerebral cortex and extensor. 3. The AET-protected animals injected with radiation had a significantly lower ammonia content in brain areas immediately before and 24 h after irradiation than in unprotected animals. Changes in brain ammonia content from the point of view, AET anti-rat brain parts of the anti-rat effect, may be related to AET nervous system in a state of inhibition.
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