Discovery of organic connection of Chiropteris Kurrand Nystroemia Halle from Early Permian of west

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Nystroemia reniformis (Kawasaki) comb. nov. is proposed based on specimens showing organic connections between Chiropteris reniformis Kawasaki and Nystroemia pectiniformis Halle from the Lower Permian of Dengfeng in Henan. Vegetative leaf has a long petiole, reniformed, cordate at the base, entire or slightly undulate at the margin; veins are fine, bifurcating repeatedly and finally becoming reticulate and forming polygonal or rhomboidal meshes. Fertile shoot arises from bract axils. The form of the bract is identical to that of a vegetative leaf. Ovuliferous organ arises from the axil of leafy organ, or in other case, both ovuliferous and leafy organs irregularly arise from the axis of the fertile shoot respectively. Numerous bicornute platyspermic seeds are arranged in two rows, obconical, with micropyle pointing upwards. It may represent a new extinct gymnosperms. Nystroemia reniformis (Kawasaki) comb. Nov. Is proposed based on specimens showing organic connections between Chiropteris reniformis Kawasaki and Nystroemia pectiniformis Halle from the Lower Permian of Dengfeng in Henan. Vegetative leaf has a long petiole, reniformed, cordate at the base, entire or slightly undulate at the margin; veins are fine, bifurcating repeatedly and finally becoming reticulate and forming polygonal or rhomboidal meshes. Fertile shoot arises from bract axils. The form of the bract is identical to that of a vegetative leaf. Ovuliferous organ arises from the axil of leafy organ, or in other case, both ovuliferous and leafy organs irregularly arise from the axis of the fertile shoot respectively. Numerous bicornute platyspermic seeds are arranged in two rows, obconical, with micropyle pointing upwards. It may represent a new extinct gymnosperms.
第 1期层序地层学在区域地质调查中的应用邹光富 陈永明 夏彤 (1)………………………………………………………………………………甘孜—理塘结合带中部花岗岩的地质特征魏
天津华北有色地质勘查局在激烈的市场竞争中,不断调整产业结构,坚持发展主导产业的战略方针,用特有的技术优势服务市场,以骄人的业绩谱写新篇章。 华勘局地下管网信息管理系
本刊讯 由国土资源部咨询研究中心、中国地质调查局、中国大陆科学钻探工程中心联合举办的“刘广志院士八十寿辰暨从事地质工作五十六年座谈会” ,于 2 0 0 3年 3月 18日在
南通市水利局在白毛港疏浚工程中,为了保护耕地,减少挖压,除采用泥浆泵施工外,在堆土方法方面采用了挖塘卖泥、埋沙的堆土方法。具体做法是: 1.挖塘埋沙,取土制砖。在工程堆
[目的 ]探讨I期乳腺癌淋巴结中微小转移与临床预后因素的关系。 [方法 ]分别以抗上皮细胞膜单克隆抗体为探针 ,对 5 2例I期乳腺癌中微小转移进行研究。 [结果 ]有 2 3%病例伴