增实力 上水平 优素质 出形象 青浦前三季度国民经济持续增长

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今年来,青浦县人民高举小平同志理论旗帜,认真贯彻落实上海市委七届三次和青浦县委八届三次全会精神,紧紧围绕县十二届二次人代会确定的目标,按照“只能快,不能慢;只能上,不能下;只能闯,不能停;只能实,不能虚”的要求,坚持和发扬“知难而上,迎难而上,排难而上”的精神,团结一致,顽强拼搏,取得了既增实力、又出形象的好成绩,向祖国五十华诞献上了一份厚礼.据统计,今年1~9月全县GDP达78.8亿元,比去年同期可增长(下同)12.3%,完成年计划的67%.其中第一产业4.2亿元,增长1%;第二产业48.9亿元,增长13.6%,其中工业增加值46.4亿元,增长14.4%;第三产业25.7亿元,增长12%. This year, the people of Qingpu County hold the banner of Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory, conscientiously implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Seventh Session of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Eighth Plenary Session of the Qingpu County Committee, and focus on the goals set by the Second NPC Congress of the 12th CPC Central Committee in accordance with the “ Can only be broken, can not stop; can only be real, can not be empty, ”the request, adhere to and carry forward the“ hardship, the difficulties and the advancement of the difficulties ”spirit, Solidarity and tenacious struggle, has achieved both the strength, but also the image of the good results, presented a gift to the 50th birthday of the motherland.According to statistics, from January to September this year, the county GDP reached 7.88 billion yuan, up from the same period last year Increase by 12.3% and finish 67% of the annual plan, of which the primary industry was 420 million yuan, up 1%; the secondary industry was 4.89 billion yuan, up by 13.6%, of which the industrial added value was 4.64 billion yuan, up by 14.4% The tertiary industry 2.57 billion yuan, an increase of 12%.
Objective. To investigate whether angiotensin II receptor antagonist and endothelin receptor antagonist can improve the nitroglycerin (Nit) tolerance in vivo.
A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) suitable for the determination of the urea herbicide isoproturon, 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea
美国孟菲斯市圣朱德儿童研究医院的John Schuetz及其同事声称,某种耐受抗HIV的治疗有可能是一种T淋巴细胞中耐多种药物的蛋白4(MRP4)过度表达的结果。这种过度表达可引起HIV
<正> 我国著名语言学家、中山大学教授、博士生导帅李新魁先生,因病医治无效,于1997年9月13日凌晨5时50分在广州不幸逝世,享年62岁。李新魁教授,字星桥,广东省澄海市人,1935年10月出生。1959年毕业于中山大学中文系。历任中国语言学会常务理事、中国音韵学研究会理事及副会长、中国民族语言学会理事、广东中国语言学会副会长、广东社科联委员、广州国学研究社社长等职务。
现将我院自1977年1月至1981年1月间,资料完整,临床确诊的60例病毒性心肌炎,分析如下。年龄在16~50岁,以40岁以下的青壮年发病率最高,共52例,占总病例数的86. 7%。全年均有发