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周培源是我国著名的科学家、教育家和社会活动家,湍流模式理论的奠基人和中国力学界的奠基人,世界著名理论物理学家、流体力学家,是爱因斯坦的得意门生,在国际上享有盛誉。 周培源以毕生的精力从事爱因斯坦广义相对论引力论和流体力学中的湍流理论的科学研究与教育工作,取得了举世瞩目的重大成果。同时在组织、领导、发展祖国的科学教育事业、培育科技人才、支持和指导师生的科学研究、推进国内外社会活动等方面发挥了重要作用,为推动我国科技事业的发展和社会进步做出了卓越贡献。 振东同志撰写的《科学一生为和平》一文,对周培源先生一生的科研、教学、社会活动等进行了概要叙述。阅读此文,我们不仅对周培源先生的科研成就有了比较全面的了解,更被周培源先生严谨的科研态度、执着的科研精神和强烈的爱国情怀所感动。周培源先生堪称中国知识分子的典范。振东同志的文章虽然较长(本刊分两期连载),但很值得一读。我们深信,中国的知识分子乃至全体国民,倘若都能具备周培源先生的进取精神和爱国情怀,那么,中华民族的伟大复兴就为期不远了! Zhou Peiyuan is a famous scientist, educator and social activist in China. The founder of turbulence model theory and the founder of Chinese mechanics circles, the world famous theoretical physicist and fluid mechanic are Einstein’s favorite pupils in the world. Reputable. Zhou Peiyuan has devoted his life energies to scientific research and education in the theory of gravity of Einstein’s general theory of relativity and turbulence in fluid mechanics and has made remarkable achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. At the same time, it has played an important role in organizing, leading and promoting the cause of science education in the motherland, cultivating scientific and technical personnel, supporting and guiding scientific research of teachers and students, and promoting social activities both at home and abroad. It has made great contributions to promoting the development of science and technology in our country and social progress Outstanding contribution. Comrade Zhendong wrote a book titled “All Life as a Science for Peace,” a brief account of the research, teaching and social activities of Mr. Zhou Peiyuan throughout his life. Read this article, we not only have a more comprehensive understanding of Mr. Zhou Peiyuan’s scientific achievements, but also by Mr. Zhou Peiyuan rigorous scientific research attitude, dedication of scientific research and a strong sense of patriotism touched. Mr. Zhou Peiyuan is a model for Chinese intellectuals. Although the articles of Comrade Zhendong are relatively long (this issue is serialized in two phases), it is worth reading. We are convinced that if the Chinese intellectuals and even all the Chinese people have the enterprising spirit and patriotic feelings of Mr. Zhou Peiyuan, then the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will not be far off!
绿色G D P的出现是为了弥补传统GDP的缺陷,传统GDP没有扣除环境和资源浪费所造成的损失。绿色GDP不仅能反映经济增长水平,而且能够体现经济增长和自然保护和谐统一的程度。文
2016年12月28日,安徽合肥市蜀山区人民法院,对女大学生应晓梅“因招工醉酒毒致死案”宣布一审判决:考虑到涉案嫌疑人胡波有投案自首的行为,并在被害人应晓梅死后积极与死者家属达成赔偿,法院最终以过失致人死亡罪,判处胡波有期徒刑3年,缓期4年。  2015年8月,安徽合肥女子应晓梅来到合肥旗风娱乐城应聘公关职位,人事部经理胡波对应晓梅的各方面情况都比较满意,随后他对应晓梅说:“应聘公关职位,都要经过