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编辑部收到一些读者的来信,说是很想了解曾经饰演过《还珠格格》中那个尔康的演员周杰现在的情况。于是一个电话打到周杰的手机上,他回电话说现在在上海拍戏,因为真是没有时间亲自写稿只有晚上收工后在电话中和我聊聊,我虽然有早睡的习惯,也只好答应当晚等他的电话。夜里将近12点,周杰的电话来了,他说刚拍完戏在路上还没有卸装。他说《还珠格格》第三部现在叫《天上人间》40集戏,是在去年9月12日拍完的,拍这部戏觉得很开心,因为和其他三位演员合作的十分愉快。小燕子更加可爱了,紫薇很有女人味。我和三位演员黄奕、马伊俐、古巨基以前没有合作过,本以为会有陌生感,但开拍没多久我们四个就成了好朋友,合作很好。在大观园拍戏时经常是凌晨四点左右才收工,我们索性先不回宾馆休息而是去天安门广场看升国旗,一共去了三次,我跟古巨基说是接受爱国主义教育。我还亲自驾车请他们一起吃夜宵或是喝早茶,因为我是中国国家剧院的演员,尽尽地主之宜。 The editorial department received some letters from readers saying that they really wanted to know what happened to Zhou Jie, the actor who once played “My Fair Princess”. So a call hit Zhou Jie’s cell phone, he said back to the phone now filming in Shanghai, because there is really no time to write manuscript only in the evening after work and talk to me on the phone, although I have the habit of going to bed early, had agreed Wait for his call tonight. Nearly 12 o’clock at night, Zhou Jie’s phone came, he said just finished filming on the road has not unloaded. He said the third part of “My Fair Princess” is now called Episode 40 Episode. It was taken on September 12 last year. It was a great time to take the film because it was a very pleasant time to work with the other three actors. Swallow even more lovely, crape myrtle is very feminine. I and the three actors Huang Yi, Ma Yi Li, Leo Ku did not cooperate before, I thought there would be a strange feeling, but not long after the filming of our four became good friends, good cooperation. When we were filming in Grand View Garden, we often stopped working until around 4:00 am. We did not go back to the hotel for rest but went to Tiananmen Square to see the national flag. Three times in total, I told Leo Ku said that it was a patriotic education. I also drove them by myself for supper or morning tea because I was an actor at the National Theater in China and did my best to help them.
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