
来源 :石油炼制与化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yan303
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1958年我国石油工業的發展获得了空前巨大的成绩。这一年既是工作上很紧張的一年,是胜利的一年,也是空前愉快的一年。全体职工苦战一年的战果是:超額完成了原油生产210万吨的躍进計划,达到225万吨,比1957年的原油产量增加了58.9%;工人羣众創造性地掌握了高速鑽井技术,打井174万公尺,超过以往八年的总和;新找到油气田22个,約为解放后八年發現的油、气田的一倍半。 1958年我国石油工業战綫上取得偉大胜利的最根本的原因是在于我們認真地执行了党的鼓足干勁、力爭上游、多快好省地建設社会主义的总路綫,在整風胜利的基础上認真地反对了保守思想,破除了迷信, In 1958, the development of China’s oil industry has achieved tremendous achievements. This year is both a very stressful year at work, a year of victory and an unprecedented happy year. The result of one year’s hard work of all the staff and workers was that it surpassed the leap forward plan of 2.1 million tons of crude oil production to 2.25 million tons, an increase of 58.9% over the crude oil output in 1957. The workers and masses creatively mastered the high-speed drilling technology, Wells 1.74 million meters, more than the sum of the past eight years; found 22 new oil and gas fields, about eight and a half years after the liberation discovered oil and gas fields a half. The most fundamental reason for the great victory in our country’s oil industry in 1958 is that we conscientiously implemented the party’s drive to supremacy and strive for the general line of building socialism in the upper reaches and in a more efficient and economical manner. On the basis of the victory in rectification, Seriously opposed the conservative thinking, breaking superstition,
In the field of global changes, the relationship between plant phenology and climate, which reflects the response of terrestrial ecosystem to global climate cha
从全球化的角度看文明的危机说明 2 0世纪和 2 1世纪交替时期世界发展过程的一个关键性概念就是全球化。全球化的实质在于人们和国家的相互联系与相互依赖的急速扩展和复杂化
仅仅有一个不甘平庸的意志,就可能焕发起生命的活力。仅仅是一个“昂首迈步”的行动,就可以使我们战胜平庸! There is only one unwillingness to mediocrity, it is possib
理性当然十分重要,但假如是没有了激情的理性,就是行将就木的麻木不仁,就是造就平庸的惰性。 Of course, rationality is very important, but if there is no passion for