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潮汐河位于神农架林区红花乡茅湖村,河水源于海拔1470米的观音岩上的潮汐洞,洞莫知深浅,一泓清流从悬壁上的洞口飞流直下,形成壮观的瀑布,跌落在潮汐河中。瀑布时机时细,周期性地一日三变,因而导致河水亦每日三起三落,状若海潮。涨潮时,波涛汹涌;退潮时,露出岸边卵石,潮汐河亦因此而得名。潮汐河深切谷底,全长二十余华里,两岸悬壁高挂,崖顶绿树成阴,岸边曲径通幽,小桥流水,鸟语花香,四时风光皆入画。平时仅有涓涓细流,清澈透底。每当晨、昏、午三个时辰,随着潮汐洞中传出雷 The tidal river is located in the village of Maohu, Honghua Township, Shennongjia Forest District. The river originates from tidal caves on the Guanyin Rock at 1470 meters above sea level. The deep and shallow water flows through the openings on the cliff to form a spectacular waterfall that falls Tidal river. The timing of the waterfall is fine and periodically changing day by day. As a result, the river is also hit three times a day, with a tidal wave. When the tide, the waves; at low tide, revealing the pebble shore, the tidal river is also named. Tidal river deep valley, the total length of more than twenty years, the two sides hanging cliffs, cliff top trees into the shade, the shore winding path, bridges, flowers, four seasons scenery are into the painting. Usually only trickle, crystal clear. Whenever morning, evening, afternoon three hours, with the tide hole came thunder
1 引言 黄墩湖滞洪闸位于江苏省徐州、宿迁两市交界处、中运河西堤堤后的滩地上,距民便河船闸中心以南300m。闸上游与中运河相接,闸下游为邳洪河、民便船闸引航道的交汇处。
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