来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bloneedu
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Five novel donor-acceptor(D-A) conjugated cooligomers(F4B-hP,F5B-hP,F5B2[1,2]-hP,F5B2[1,3]-hP and F7B2[1,2]-hP) were synthesized.The absorption spectra of the cooligomers cover a wide range from 300 nm to 630 nm.The cooligomers could form films featured by alternating D-A lamellar nanostructures with the periods relative to the molecular lengths after thermal annealing or solvent vapor annealing.Single molecule solar cells were fabricated,and F5B-hP exhibited the best device performance.When the film of F5B-hP was thermally annealed,a power conversion efficiency(PCE) of 1.56% was realized.With solvent vapor annealing,the PCE could be further improved to 1.72% with a short-circuit current(J SC) of 5.76 mA/cm 2,an open-circuit voltage(V OC) of 0.87 V and a fill factor(FF) of 0.34. Five novel donor-acceptor (DA) conjugated cooligomers (F4B-hP, F5B-hP, F5B2 [1,2] -hP, F5B2 [1,3] -hP and F7B2 [1,2] -hP) were synthesized. absorption spectra of the cooligomers cover a wide range from 300 nm to 630 nm. The cooligomers could form films featured by alternating DA lamellar nanostructures with the periods relative to the molecular lengths after thermal annealing or solvent vapor annealing. Single molecule solar cells were fabricated, the F5B-hP exhibited the best device performance. The film of F5B-hP was thermally annealed, a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 1.56% was realized. With solvent vapor annealing, the PCE could be further improved to 1.72% with a short-circuit current (J SC) of 5.76 mA / cm 2, an open-circuit voltage (V OC) of 0.87 V and a fill factor (FF) of 0.34.
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