Synthesis and properties of phosphorus-containing bio-based epoxy resin from itaconic acid

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kangzeng
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A phosphorus-containing bio-based epoxy resin(EADI)was synthesized from itaconic acid(IA)and 9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene 10-oxide(DOPO).As a matrix,its cured epoxy network with methyl hexahydrophthalic anhydride(MHHPA)as the curing agent showed comparable glass-transition temperature and mechanical properties to diglycidyl ether in a bisphenol A(DGEBA)system as well as good flame retardancy with UL94 V-0 grade during a vertical burning test.As a reactive flame retardant,its flame-resistant effect on DGEBA/MHHPA system as well as its influence on the curing behavior and the thermal and mechanical properties of the modified epoxy resin were investigated.Results showed that after the introduction of EADI,not only were the flame retardancy determined by vertical burning test,LOI measurement,and thermogravimetric analysis significantly improved,but also the curing reactivity,glass transition temperature(T g),initial degradation temperature for 5%weight loss(T d(5%)),and flexural modulus of the cured system improved as well.EADI has great potential to be used as a green flame retardant in epoxy resin systems. A phosphorus-containing bio-based epoxy resin (EADI) was synthesized from itaconic acid (IA) and 9,10-dihydro-9- oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene 10-oxide methyl hexahydrophthalic anhydride (MHHPA) as the curing agent showed comparable glass-transition temperature and mechanical properties to diglycidyl ether in a bisphenol A (DGEBA) system as well as good flame retardancy with UL94 V-0 grade during a vertical burning test. As reactive flame retardant, its flame-resistant effect on DGEBA / MHHPA system as well as its influence on the curing behavior and the thermal and mechanical properties of the modified epoxy resin were investigated. Results showed that after the introduction of EADI, not only were the flame retardancy determined by vertical burning test, LOI measurement, and thermogravimetric analysis significantly improved, but also the curing reactivity, glass transition temperature (T g), initial degradation temperature for 5% weight loss (T d al modulus of the cured system improved as well. EADI has great potential to be used as a green flame retardant in epoxy resin systems.
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