
来源 :留学生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianyi03
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“我会尽自己最大努力去做事,不会过多考虑结果。只要把细节都考虑到,把每一个过程都做好了,我相信这个结果自然是好的。”一个骄阳似火的夏日,在北京奥运大厦,邓亚萍接受了《留学生》专访。眼前的邓亚萍,一头微卷时尚的短发,简洁利落而不失优雅。昔日那个叱咤风云、霸气十足的乒坛猛将已经难觅踪影,取而代之的是沉稳干练、聪慧文雅的知识女性。从乒坛皇后到剑桥博士,再到奥组委市场开发部工作人员、奥运村部副部长、北京团市委副书记,年仅36岁的邓亚萍实现了一个又一个华丽转身,达到了常人难以企及的高度。而光鲜履历的背后,却是超乎想象的付出…… “I will do my best to do things, not to think too much about the results.It takes all the details into account, every process is done, I believe this result is naturally good. ” A hot Summer, in Beijing Olympic Tower, Deng Yaping accepted “foreign students” interview. Deng Ya-ping in front of a curly fashion short hair, neat and elegant yet elegant. The former all-powerful, arrogant table tennis juggernaut has been hard to find, replaced by calm and capable, intelligent and elegant knowledge of women. From table tennis queen to Cambridge doctor, to the BOCOG market development staff, vice president of the Olympic Village, Beijing municipal delegation deputy secretary, only 36-year-old Deng Yaping turned one after another ornate, reaching ordinary people difficult to match the height of. Behind the brilliant resume, but it is beyond imagination to pay ...