
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dong33261
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莆田县自1983年起在全县农村先后开展儿童系统管理试点和推广工作,至1987年底全县已完成165个村孕产妇和儿童系统管理任务(占全县总村数的33.54%)。为探索其管理效果,现对我县开展儿童系统管理的效果进行初步分析。一、儿童系统管理的形式和内容莆田县推行的农村散居儿童管理形式是把系统管理工作任务落实到村卫生所和乡村医生。同时通过各种形式的培训,提高他们的业务和保健水平,让他们在乡(镇)卫生院儿保人员的指导一下,独立开展农村散居儿童保健管理工作。儿童系统管理内容是结合六周岁以内小儿年龄的生理特点,开展以卫生宣教,散居健康儿童管理,体弱儿管理,常见病、多发病防治为主要内容的一系列监测和保健。 Since 1983, Putian County has piloted and popularized the systematic management of children in the rural areas throughout the county. By the end of 1987, the county had completed 165 village maternal and child system management tasks (accounting for 33.54% of the total number of villages in the county). In order to explore its management effect, the author carries out a preliminary analysis on the effect of carrying out child system management in our county. I. Forms and Contents of Child System Management The form of management of rural children living in rural areas in Putian County is to implement the tasks of system management to village clinics and village doctors. At the same time, through various forms of training, improve their business and health care level, let them in township (town) hospital child care staff guidance, independent rural diathesis child health management. The content of child system management is to carry out a series of monitoring and health care based on the physiological characteristics of pediatric age within six years of age, with health education, diaspora health management, frail health management, common diseases and multiple diseases as the main content.
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