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  Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true. 良好的计划可以塑造明智的决定,因此善于规划有助于我们梦想成真。—Lester Robert Bittel (b. 1918), writer
  In 1985, Joe Simpson and his climbing partner, Simon Yates, set out to climb Siula Grande in the Andes of South America. Their objective was to be the first to successfully climb the nearly vertical sheet of ice that forms the western face of the 6,350 meter peak.
  The climbers were successful in reaching the summit but shortly afterwards Joe fell through an overhanging ledge of snow and crashed into the ice wall breaking his leg so badly the bone was pushed through his knee cap! At this altitude[高处] both climbers knew that a broken leg meant almost certain death.
  Despite the overwhelming odds the climbers developed a rescue plan. Simon tied together their two remaining pieces of 50 meter rope and slowly started to lower Joe, 100 meters at a time, 3000 meters down the ice face to their base camp. For over an hour they both held on getting slowly weaker until Simon realises the terrible truth – his only option was to cut the rope and let Joe fall to his death. Joe miraculously survives the 30 meter fall but is now trapped in a deep crevasse, exhausted, frost bitten and with horrifically injuries.
  In my preparation for the Muztagata climb I have also developed a detailed training plan with important smaller goals and areas to focus on each day to make sure I know exactly what I am doing and why. I researched as far as I could the exact type of physical training I would need for the type of conditions and climbing on the mountain and used this to develop a daily training schedule that covers all the necessary elements of strength, endurance and cardiovascular conditioning as well as vital rest and recovery time. Good information and advice are important but there is also huge value in just having a plan and sticking to it.
  My Top Tips for designing a study plan are;
  1. Understand what kind of learner you are. Many people have a dominant learning style that works best for them; some people are “visual learners” and remember best by seeing pictures and visualizing things in their mind; other are very “auditory” and are happy to learn by listening; “kinesthetic[肌肉运动知觉的]” learners, on the other hand, learn by doing things and experience. You may have elements of all these—that’s fine, mixing the approaches is a good way to learn.
  2. Design a study plan based on the answers to some key questions:
  ★What is your target level of English? And what is your current level? The bigger the gap the longer you will need to prepare.
  ★How much time do you have before you need to sit IELTS? The shorter the time the more intensive the study plan will have to be.
  ★What are your strengths and weaknesses? Think about the four skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening as well as things like knowledge of grammar, range of vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.
  ★How many hours a day/week can you study? It is much better to do a little everyday than try to ‘cram’ lots of learning into a short space of time.
  ★What learning resources (books, tapes, websites, friends, classes, etc) can you make use of?
   3. Write down your plan on a calendar—decide which skill and what area you are going to practice on each day. Make sure the balance reflects your weak points and don’t forget to have rest days as well.
  4. Check your progress by setting weekly mini-goals such as to finish reading a chapter of a book or learning 20 new words. This will help to keep you motivated.
  5. Stick to your plan! It will only work if you do it!
这本书给我的阅读体验是难以名状的,它是那么温暖的柔弱,让我数次有想哭的冲动;它又是那么勇敢的真切,使我有种如被刺一刀的冷颤。故事其实很简单很纯净,但她却令我此类对真爱如对宗教一样始终抱有审慎悲观的人,感到无比的震撼——爱即信,信即爱。所有的犹豫、恐惧都要在付出的同时才能洗去……  本书作者保罗·科埃略是当今拉丁美洲最具影响力的作家之一。作品主要描写了女主人公皮拉尔与其初恋情人自小一起长大,在分别了
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你每天的生活都很忙碌?还是无所事事?大多数人可能会有这样一种想法:在忙碌的工作或学习中(run off one’s feet),就会一直期盼着假期的来临;可是当假期到来时,又不知道如何安排(at a loose end),只好任难得的假日时光悄悄流逝;那么,不如约上三五好友,喝喝茶、闲话家常(have a chinwag)吧!    1. Run Offoff Your Feet  Let’s l
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你知道吗,全球有52个国家和地区在每年6月的第三个星期日庆祝父亲节。虽然长久以来,无论是文学作品还是社会舆论,对于父亲的刻画和描述都远远不如母亲,但是父亲在每个人心里,仍是谁也无法取代的唯一存在。这个父亲节,精心准备一份礼物,或者送上一个轻轻的拥抱吧—爸爸,节日  快乐!    1909年,一位美国女人首次想到要为父亲设立父亲节。  An American woman first thought