
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxws008
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声带水肿在德语国家常称之为R einke氏水肿,是以第一个研究声带细微结构的解剖学家Reinke F的姓氏命名的(1895),在英文医学文献中则称为“息肉样声带炎”或“息肉样变化”。Kleinsasser(1979)曾介绍用喉内声带剥皮术治疗,认为术后的即时效果良好,但长期效果则不很清楚。作者于1974~1982年间用声带剥皮术治疗并观察Reinke氏水肿11 1例,年龄31~78岁,平均52.6岁;79%为女性。术前每一患者同时经耳鼻喉科医师和言语治疗学家检查,术后半年至8年平均4.5年通过调查表、访问及临床检查来评价其长期效果。病人对手术主观的评价是:42名病人感到已治愈,53名感到音质比术前好,16名则判断音质 Vocal cord edema is often referred to as R einke’s edema in the German-speaking countries, named after the first name of Reinke F, an anatomist who studied the vocal cord microstructure (1895) and in the English medical literature as “polypoid-like vocal cord inflammation ”Or“ polyp-like changes. ” Kleinsasser (1979) described the treatment of vocal folds in the throat and concluded that the immediate postoperative effect was good, but the long-term effect was poorly understood. The authors were treated with vocal cord stripping in 1974-1982 and 11 cases of Reinke’s edema were observed, ranging in age from 31 to 78 years with an average of 52.6 years; 79% were women. Each patient was examined by otolaryngologists and speech therapists at the same time, and the long-term outcome was assessed by questionnaires, visits and clinical examinations for an average of 4.5 years after six months to eight years. The patient’s subjective evaluation of the procedure was: 42 patients felt cured, 53 felt better than preoperative, and 16 judged sound quality
全球性财务公司德勤企业管理顾问公司发表的《1998年制造业之远见》报告表示,中国在各制造商的全球化计划中处于优先的位置。 该报告是在调查访问了全球35个国家近900名高级
This volume is dedicated to Professor Xiaqi Ding,an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,on the occasion of his eightieth birthday. Professor Xiaqi Di
通过对传动比成为几何级数时的射线图的分析,提出了拖拉机工作速档的选择方案,并通过实例分析了选择方案,得出了工作速档传动比的几何级数关系。 Based on the analysis of the