Acute pancreatitis secondary to intramural duodenal hematoma:Case report and literature review

来源 :World Journal of Radiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allenhuqiqi
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Nontraumatic intramural duodenal hematoma(IDH) is rare disease and it is generally related to coagulation abnormalities.Reports of nontraumatic IDH associated with pancreatic disease are relatively rare,and various conditions including acute or chronic pancreatitis are thought to be associated with nontraumatic IDH.However,the association between IDH and acute pancreatitis remains unknown.We report the case of a 45-year-old man who presented with vomiting and right hypochondrial pain.He had no medical history,but was a heavy drinker.The diagnosis of IDH was established by computed tomography,ultrasonography and endoscopy,and it was complicated by acute pancreatitis.The lesions resolved with conservative management.We discuss this case in the context of previously reported cases of IDH concomitant with acute pancreatitis.In our patient,acute pancreatitis occurred concurrently with hematoma,probably due to obstruction of the duodenal papilla,or compression of the pancreas caused by the hematoma.The present analysis of the published cases of IDH with acute pancreatitis provides some information on the pathogenesis of IDH and its relationship with acute pancreatitis. Nontraumatic intramural duodenal hematoma (IDH) is rare disease and it is generally related to coagulation abnormalities. Reports of nontraumatic IDH associated with pancreatic disease are relatively rare, and various conditions including acute or chronic pancreatitis are thought to be associated with nontraumatic IDH. However, the association between IDH and an acute pancreatitis remains unknown. We report the case of a 45-year-old man who presented with vomiting and right hypochondrial pain. He had no medical history, but was a heavy drinker. The diagnosis of IDH was established by computed tomography, ultrasonography and endoscopy, and it was complicated by acute pancreatitis. lesions with conservative management. We discuss this case in the context of previously reported cases of IDH concomitant with acute pancreatitis. Our patient, acute pancreatitis occurred concurrently with hematoma probably due to obstruction of the duodenal papilla, or compression of the pancreas caused by the h ematoma.The present analysis of the published cases of IDH with acute pancreatitis provides some information on the pathogenesis of IDH and its relationship with acute pancreatitis.
我选择辞去大都市工作毅然回家乡支教,不是一时冲动,只因我对开满山花的大山爱的深沉;我放下个人情感把全部的爱献给了73名孩子,不是情感冷淡,只因留守在山里的孩子更需要爱的温暖;我力所能及帮助需要帮助的人,不是贪图名利,只因希望雷锋精神永远在大山深处闪耀!  选择支教,用知识点亮山区孩子  的童年梦想  2008年,我毕业于武汉工商学院,在武汉一所职业学校任辅导员,工作还不错。2009年,为积极参加湖