
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wutongyu520
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The reverse flow diverter (RFD) consisting of a nozzle and a diffuser is a key component in pneumatic pulse jet pumps. We investigated the effects of suction gap and diffuser configurations on RFD performance during the reverse flow mode. Three suction gap configurations were examined: (1) an axisymmetrical cylinder, (2) a cuboid whose bottom plane had no half-circle groove and was level with the diffuser entrance lower border, and (3) a cuboid with a half-circle groove on the bottom plane. Among them, the second one resulted in the highest RFD pumping capacity. The effect of receiver presence before the diffuser was also examined. RFD pumping efficiency was found to be enhanced in the presence of a receiver before the diffuser when the suction gap length is small and the jet outlet velocity at the nozzle exit is high enough. Based on experimental data, a dimensionless performance curve of the suction factor q versus the ratio of Euler numbers in sections out-out and 0-0 Eu out /Eu 0 was derived. This curve is insensitive to suction gap configurations. The reverse flow diverter (RFD) consisting of a nozzle and a diffuser is a key component in pneumatic pulse jet pumps. We investigated the effects of suction gap and diffuser configurations on RFD performance during the reverse flow mode. Three suction gap configurations were examined: (1) an axisymmetrical cylinder, (2) a cuboid whose bottom plane has no half-circle groove and was level with the diffuser entrance lower border, and (3) a cuboid with a half-circle groove on the bottom plane. Among them , the second one resulted in the highest RFD pumping capacity. The effect of receiver presence before the diffuser was also examined. RFD pumping efficiency was found to be enhanced in the presence of a receiver before the diffuser when the suction gap length is small and the jet outlet velocity at the nozzle exit is high enough. Based on experimental data, a dimensionless performance curve of the suction factor q versus the ratio of Euler numbers in sections out-out and 0-0 Eu out / Eu 0 w as derived. This curve is insensitive to suction gap configurations.
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