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一、三明工业的基本概况 三明市是福建省重要的工业基地,国有工业企业在全市经济格局中有着举足轻重的作用。据统计,截止1995年底全市共有独立核算工业企业1905个(大中型企业32个),其中国有企业272个,集体1496个;企业固定资产净值平均余额达75亿元,其中国有企业37亿元;企业职工人数为230064人,其中国有企业职工人数为117780人,集体企业职工人数为78215人;95年全年实现工业总产值(按90年不变价计算)为 I. General situation of Sanming Industry Sanming City is an important industrial base in Fujian Province. State-owned industrial enterprises play a decisive role in the city’s economic structure. According to statistics, by the end of 1995, the city had 1,905 independent accounting industrial enterprises (32 large and medium-sized ones), of which 272 were state-owned enterprises and 1,496 were collectives; the average balance of net fixed assets of enterprises reached 7.5 billion yuan, including 3.7 billion yuan of state-owned enterprises; The number of employees in the enterprise was 230,064, of which 117,780 employees were in state-owned enterprises and 78,215 were employed in collective-owned enterprises; the total industrial output value (calculated at a constant price of 90 years) for the whole year of 1995 was
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一、设备大修计划的编制 大修计划是大修工作的基础工作。编制大修计划要根据设备的磨损现状,设备的技术现状,设备的经济现状以及大修资金的具体筹备情况决定大修的具体内容
6月上旬,西部开发重点建设工程“湘泉商业步行街”在湘西土家族苗族自治州首府吉首市全面启动,它的兴建将为民族风情浓郁的湘西增添一处新景。 “湘泉商业步行街”位于吉首
叙述了从湿法炼锌净液过程中产出的黄酸钴渣中回收氧化钴的方法。介绍了从低品位钴原料(Co0.4%~1.5%)中制取精制氧化钴的工艺流程,以及在生产实践的基础上,对工艺的改进。 A me
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