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为了实现高次回转对称非球面的全口径超光滑加工,对磨头的运动控制算法进行了研究。介绍了超光滑加工的基本原理以及相应数控机床的机构,并对其光学表面的创成方式进行了描述。为了精确控制磨头的运动轨迹,提出了非球面驻留点的等误差递推求解算法进而分析了轨迹误差。计算了磨头位于不同位置时去除率的分布情况,并建立了驻留时间数学求解模型。在自研设备上对口径为150mm,非球面度为116μm的样件进行了超光滑加工。表面粗糙度方均根值由1.523±0.045nm降低至0.399±0.0238nm且分布均匀。实验结果表明,利用该算法可以精确控制磨头的运动轨迹,从而保证表面粗糙度的均匀一致。 In order to realize full-aperture ultra-smooth machining of high revolution symmetry aspheric surface, the motion control algorithm of grinding head is studied. The basic principle of ultra-smooth machining and the mechanism of the corresponding CNC machine tools are introduced, and the way of creating the optical surface is described. In order to precisely control the movement path of the grinding head, an equal error recursive solution algorithm of aspheric stay point is proposed and the trajectory error is analyzed. The distribution of the removal rate when the grinding head is located at different positions is calculated, and the mathematical solution model of the residence time is established. In the self-research equipment on the caliber of 150mm, asphericity of 116μm samples were ultra-smooth processing. The root mean square value of surface roughness decreased from 1.523 ± 0.045nm to 0.399 ± 0.0238nm and the distribution was even. Experimental results show that the algorithm can be used to precisely control the movement path of the grinding head so as to ensure uniform surface roughness.
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