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<正> 蜘蛛在捕食性天敌中占有重要位置。世界上已知蜘蛛达35000余种,我国目前已知的达1000多种。人们通过多年观察和实践认识到,蜘蛛比瓢虫、草蛉、猎蝽的杀虫总量还要多几倍。蜘蛛均肉食性,捕食量大,耐饥寒,寿命长,繁殖力强,对化学农药抵抗力强。它不受黑光灯等诱杀,在农田中可与其它防治手段相互配套使用。因此,蜘蛛在生物防治中是一重要类群。我国近年开展了农林蜘蛛的资源调查工
The first acute myocardial infarction (MI) of an elderly male was determined through angiography to be due to an infarct of the circumflex artery. The angiogram
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本实验探讨了腐殖酸对烟草种子萌发的影响,结果表明。10~50ppm 腐殖酸能提高烟草种子早期萌发能力和幼苗生长的活力;腐殖酸浓度大于100ppm 时,烟草种子萌发能力受到显著地抑制
Background: As a new intraoperative disinfection method, chlorhexidine-wetted textile napkins have been employed in order to cover the upper and lower eyelid ed
Background: Prescription of 1/2 tablets is a widespread practice, mainly to achieve dose flexibility and to facilitate swallowing. However, tablet splitting inc
Holoprosencephaly is a rare congenital brain malformation resulting from failure of diverticulation and cleavage of primitive prosencephalon which occurs at 4 -
本文研究了烟草青枯病菌(Pseudomonas solanacearum)无毒产细菌素菌株 A_(3-5)产生的细菌素的生物学特性,结果表明,用不同制备方法提取的 A_(3-5)的细菌素,Au 值均为8。失活