
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bldhdh
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This paper considers an ant colony optimization algorithm based on AND/OR graph for integrated process planning and scheduling(IPPS). Generally, the process planning and scheduling are studied separately. Due to the complexity of manufacturing system, IPPS combining both process planning and scheduling can depict the real situation of a manufacturing system. The IPPS is represented on AND/OR graph consisting of nodes, and undirected and directed arcs. The nodes denote operations of jobs, and undirected/directed arcs denote possible visiting path among the nodes. Ant colony goes through the necessary nodes on the graph from the starting node to the end node to obtain the optimal solution with the objective of minimizing makespan. In order to avoid local convergence and low convergence, some improved strategy is incorporated in the standard ant colony optimization algorithm. Extensive computational experiments are carried out to study the influence of various parameters on the system performance. This paper considers an ant colony optimization algorithm based on AND / OR graph for integrated process planning and scheduling (IPPS). Due, the complexity of manufacturing system, IPPS combining both process planning and scheduling The depots the real situation of a manufacturing system. The IPPS is represented on AND / OR graph consisting of nodes, and undirected and directed arcs. The nodes denote operations of jobs, and undirected / directed arcs denote possible path of paths among the nodes. Ant colony goes through the necessary nodes on the graph from the starting node to the end node to obtain the optimal solution with the objective of minimizing makespan. In order to avoid local convergence and low convergence, some improved strategy is incorporated in the standard ant colony optimization algorithm. Extensive computational experiments are carrying out to study the influence of various parameters on the system per formance.
《永遇乐·落日熔金》这篇文章选自粤教版高中语文《唐诗宋词元散曲选读》,是李清照南渡后所作, 表达了词人的故国之思和亡国之痛. 关于这一篇文章的研究,有借助词中三个疑问
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