Urban Residents' Consumption Risk Perception about the Dairy Products

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wwt74105
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Based on the continuous downturn puzzle of Chinese dairy consumption,with the perception of consumption risk as a starting point,the paper deeply analyzes the main factors which cause the downturn of dairy product consumption of Chinese residents. The results show that the income elasticity of dairy consumption of Chinese urban residents is still notable; the occurrence of dairy safety incidents improves the perception of consumption risk,and accordingly it reduces the promoting role of income to the dairy consumption; the safety incident is the key factor which leads to the fall of dairy consumption of urban residents in recent years,and the perception of consumption risk of lower income group is clearly higher than that of higher income group. Based on the continuous downturn puzzle of Chinese dairy consumption, with the perception of consumption risk as a starting point, the paper deeply analyzes the main factors which cause the downturn of dairy product consumption of Chinese residents. The results show that the income elasticity of dairy the occurrence of dairy safety incidents improves the perception of consumption risk, and accordingly it reduces the promoting role of income to the dairy consumption; the safety incident is the key factor which leads to the fall of dairy consumption of urban residents in recent years, and the perception of consumption risk of lower income group is clearly higher than that of higher income group.
在乡村,捕鱼的方法很多,其中叉鱼是项投入少,见效快的捕鱼方式。捕鱼者可手持鱼叉,四处走动。看到鱼,甩起来就是一叉。碰到叉鱼的高手达人,几乎是叉无虚发,叉叉有鱼。  要叉鱼,首先要会制作鱼叉。鱼叉好像没有出售的,只有自己做。条件好的,采用不锈钢的,马虎些的,就用废弃的自行车、板车的钢丝。不锈钢的鱼叉,闪光烁亮,令人羡慕,这是可传子传孙的。  鱼叉的形状一般有扁的、圆的两种。扁的是高手用的,那鱼叉的叉
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