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1997年8月22日,美国FDA(美国食品与药品管理局)总部公布一件令中国中医界激动和兴奋的大事:中国首批荣获FDA通关认证的27种产品向全世界亮相。其中编号为DS019的安志化癌胶囊(国内称华科胶囊)因其明显的抑制肿瘤效果更引起世界人民的兴趣和注目。此事件美国《侨报》予以报道并引起联合国世界卫生组织(WHO)的关注,在多方接触和考察认证后,WHO认为HK(华科胶囊)研制者和所属公司已具备相应资格、被吸收为该组织资深理事和理事单位。骄人的业绩、让人惊鸿回眸。改革的大潮使人们实现了梦寐以求的愿望,一个自幼与中医为伍,热衷于中医研究,并用这一技之长为患者排忧解难的国家医务工作者,竟毅然辞去待遇优厚的工作,创办以医药技术开发为主的专治疑难杂症的民营科技实体“济南安志科技开发总公司”。他就是成绩 On August 22, 1997, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) headquarters announced an exciting and exciting event for the Chinese community of Chinese medicine practitioners. The first batch of 27 products that have passed the FDA clearance have been released to the world. Among them, the number of DS019 An Zhihua cancer capsule (China that China Branch capsule) because of its obvious inhibitory effect of the tumor caused more people’s interest and attention. The incident was reported by the “China Press” and attracted the attention of the UN World Health Organization (WHO). After multiple contacts and study visits, the WHO considered that the developers and affiliated companies of HK (Huake Capsule) have the qualifications to be absorbed Organization of senior director and director units. Impressive performance, people look over. The tide of reform has enabled people to realize their aspirational dream. A national medical worker who grew up with Chinese medicine practitioners and is keen on Chinese medicine research and has used this skill to solve problems for patients has actually resigned from the well-paid work and started the development of pharmaceutical technology The privately-run incurable diseases of private technology entities “Jinan Anzhi Technology Development Corporation ”. He is the result
弓形虫是严重危害人畜健康的组织内寄生原虫 ,目前 ,弓形虫病的治疗仍以磺胺嘧啶或乙胺嘧啶为首选药物 ,但其毒副作用大 ,且复发率较高。据报道替硝唑、大蒜素对原虫病都有一
目的 :研究洛美沙星对大鼠血胰屏障的通透性。方法 :经尾静脉推注洛美沙星 (20mg/kg) ,在规定的时间点取样 ,用高效液相色谱法 (HPLC)测定胰腺、肝脏组织和血清中药物的含量
长沙走马楼简牍自发掘以来 ,迄今已有五年。目前 ,公布的简牍资料主要集中于《长沙走马楼三国吴简·嘉禾吏民田家》(文物出版社 1 999年。以下简称《田家》)一书和《长沙
肿瘤血管生成 (angiogenesis)是指血管内皮细胞从现存的血管系统中分化、迁移而形成新的微血管的复杂生物学过程。成人的血管内皮细胞基本处于静止状态 ,在伤口愈合、组织修复、妇女生育
Standard reference material and different geological samples were dissolved by system A (the mixture of nitric and perchloric acids) and system B (mixture of ni