
来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mosalin
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This paper addresses the problem of survivable traffic assignment with failure probability requirement in flexible bandwidth optical networks. We describe a Survivable Traffic Cognition (STC) algorithm with joint failure probability. Survivable Traffic Assignment (STA) algorithm and Conventional Traffic Assignment (CTA) algorithm are added to illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed STC. We investigate the effect of joint failure probability on blocking probability, spectral utilization ratio, average joint failure probability, and the average hops. Simulation results show that our proposed STC not only achieves better performance in terms of blocking probability and spectral utilization ratio than CTA and STA, but also does not cause higher average joint failure probability or larger average hops compared with STA. As a result, STC makes the best use of spectral resources and does not cause large average joint failure probability. We describe a Survivable Traffic Cognition (STC) algorithm with joint failure probability. Survivable Traffic Assignment (STA) algorithm and Conventional Traffic Assignment (CTA) algorithm are added to illustrate the effectiveness of joint failure probability on blocking probability, spectral utilization ratio, average joint failure probability, and the average hops. Simulation results show that our proposed STC not only achieves better performance terms of blocking probability and spectral utilization ratio than CTA and STA, but also does not cause higher average joint failure probability or larger average hops compared with STA. As a result, STC makes the best use of spectral resources and does not cause large average joint failure probability
自从开展太空旅行这一项目以来,健康的保护始终是一个重大的挑战,这也是美国航空航天局NASA为何要挑选体质最优秀的人去执行太空飞行任务的缘由。不过,随着最新兴起的商业太空旅行,畅游银河的大门向一大群亚健康人群打开了。  根据美国福特隆公司粗略估计:私人太空飞行公司如兑现其承诺的话,到2021年游客会超过2.5万名,创收13亿美元。美国维珍银河公司已至少预订680个席位参与两个半小时飞行旅游,其中有四
敦煌文书自1900年被发现之后命运多舛,被西方帝国主义和日本相继掠夺,本文就敦煌文书流失的原因及流失的经过将以详细的论述,通过本文将了解到敦煌文书是怎样流失海外的。 T
《档案管理》编辑部同志: 你们好! 贵刊所编的《档案管理》我是每期必读,觉得近一年来贵刊质量有了新的提高,细览之余,仍觉得有一些地方还可提高一步,就此我想谈点个人浅见: 二版面
阵痛rn广宁县虽然地处珠三角区域, 但作为一个山区县, 广宁的教育水平与经济发达地区还存在一定差距.rn城乡教育差距过大, 是广宁教育发展过程中存在的一大问题.rn广宁县江屯
本文阐述了通道对数字机控制系统的影响,并建立了数学模型,推出了数字校正网络的传输特性及递推公式,最后讨论了数学校正中的参数选择以及应考虑的一些问题。 In this paper