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习仲勋同志说:“教师的心灵美应该是爱学生。”读了《湖南教育》今年第四期通讯《可歌可颂的献身精神——道县一中见闻之二》以后,我们从道县一中教职工身上看到的,正是这种“爱学生”的美好心灵。他们有的放弃出国定居的优厚物质待遇,甘心情愿在艰苦的山区培养人才,有的不顾病魔缠身,把生命一点一滴地奉献给学生;年轻教师无心追求时髦和享乐,只知让心灵的时针围绕学生而转动;后勤人员不计名利,整天默默无闻地忙碌着……这种“一切为了学生,一切献给学生”的无私品质,与董存瑞炸碉堡、黄继光堵枪眼的献身精神相比,本质上有什么不同?没有。只不过是,一个表现为雷霆闪电般的剧烈暴发,一个表现为蜡烛似的长久燃烧。 Comrade Xi Zhongxun said: “The beauty of the teacher’s soul should be to love students.” After reading the fourth issue of the “Hunan Education” this year’s newsletter “The Spirit of Devotion to the Songs: The First Story of Daozhong Zhongzhong”, we were from Dao County. It is this kind of “love student” beautiful soul that is seen by a Chinese teacher. Some of them gave up the generous material treatment for settled abroad. They were willing to train talents in hard mountain areas. Some dedicate their lives to students irrespective of their illnesses. Young teachers are unwillingly pursuing fashion and enjoyment. They only know the timing of the mind. Turning around the students, the logistical staff defies fame and fortune, and is busy all day obsessively... The unselfish quality of “all for students and all for students” is essentially compared with the dedication of Dong Cunrui’s blasting of Bunker and Huang Jiguang’s stunned eyes. What is different? No. It is just that one manifests itself as a lightning-like violent outburst, one manifesting itself as a candle-like long-term combustion.
据知名市场调研机构Researchand Markets预测,2018年全球PEEK(聚醚醚酮)将迎来需求高峰。届时其市值将破八亿大关,升至8.31亿美元。2013~2018年期间,全球PEEK复合年增长率将
Lesson Five2.such as:在列举事物时,要用 such as 而不能只用 as。如:象马牛一类的动物是很有用的。误:Animals as horses and cattle arevery useful。正:Animals such as
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下面是1985年某省成人高等学校统一招生考试(文科)数学试题之一:[题] 在△ABC中.已知A:B:C=2:3:4,AB:BC=3:2,AC=5,求此三角形的周长.[原解] (解答一)设A、B、C分别为2x,3x,4x
相对于那些预期中的风景,旅途中不期而遇的人和事更让人难以忘怀。 Compared to those expected in the landscape, the unexpected travel people and things more unforge