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2006年国庆节期间,记者得知冯教授夫妇不外出,就见缝插针到他们家,与他们就健康理念的问题进行深入的交流。冯教授大学毕业后就分配到部队医院,当了一名军医,他们夫妇在内科从医40多年,他们秉承医德,救死扶伤,治好了许许多多的病人,可随着人的年龄增长,机体免疫力下降,冯教授夫妇得的病却无法治疗,病痛长期折磨着他们。2004年,冯教授的一位战友从外地来看望他们夫妇,多年没见,一看他们脸色难看,精神不振。交谈中才知道冯教授的血压180/100,还伴有高血脂、高血糖、骨质增生等多种疾病,长期吃药也没有满意的效果。这时,他的战友给他们推荐了天狮产品。冯教授根本不相信,“我是医生,国内国外的药都用遍了,都未能解决问题,你这种保健品能治病?”他战友反复给他讲,我是服天狮产品的受益者,我不会骗你们,骗了你们,你们还不骂我一辈子呀!冯教授将信将疑到银行取了2,000多元钱,购买了天狮产品,服用后有了效果,冯教授心中悬吊着的一块石头才落了地。冯教授服了一段时间后,血压下降了,现在血压为120,75正常了,如今他们远离了吃药打针,精力充沛,活得舒畅了。现在,冯教授潜心研究健康理念。他认为,人的健康不是靠医生,健康的钥匙在自己手里,遵循健康规律,一生平安。特别是营养保健,它修复人的机体细胞,经常保持正常的功能,就会成为一个健康的人。他们利用健康的理念经常被邀请到一些单位、社区讲课,很受欢迎。我抛给他们夫妇怎样预防亚健康,成为一个真正的健康人的话题,他们用事实、实例进行论证,对我们大有裨益。——编者 During the National Day of 2006, the reporter learned that Professor Fung and his wife did not go out, they saw their stitches to their home, and they conducted in-depth exchanges on the issue of the concept of health. After graduating from college, Professor Fung was assigned to the military hospital and became a military doctor. Both of them were medical doctors for more than 40 years. According to medical ethics, they saved lives and treated many patients. As the age of people increases, Immune decline, Professor Fung’s disease was unable to treat the disease, suffering long-term torment them. In 2004, Professor Feng’s comrade visited him and his wife from the field for many years and did not see them. Looking at them, they were ugly and sluggish. Conversation to know Professor Feng’s blood pressure 180/100, but also accompanied by hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, bone hyperplasia and other diseases, long-term medication is not satisfactory results. At this time, his comrades recommended Tiens products to them. Professor Feng did not believe it at all. “I am a doctor. Drugs used both at home and abroad have failed to solve the problem. Can you treat such health care products?” His comrades repeatedly told him that I was benefiting from Tiens products I will not lie to you, lie to you, you do not scold me forever! Professor Feng will suspect that the bank took more than 2,000 yuan money to buy Tiens products, after taking effect, Professor Feng’s heart hanging a piece The stone fell to the ground. Professor Feng served for some time, blood pressure dropped, blood pressure is now 120,75 normal, and now they are far from taking medicine injections, energetic, live a comfortable life. Now, Professor Feng devoted himself to studying the concept of health. He believes that human health is not by the doctor, the key to health in their own hands, follow the laws of health, life-long peace. In particular, nutrition and health care, it repairs human body cells, often maintain normal function, it will become a healthy person. They often use the concept of health was invited to some units, community lectures, very popular. I throw the couple how to prevent their sub-health, become a real topic of health, they use the facts and examples to demonstrate, to our benefit. --editor
目的 探讨俯卧位通气治疗患者肠内营养耐受性的影响因素.方法 采用回顾性研究的方法分析2013年1月~ 2018年12月行俯卧位通气(PPV)患者肠内营养的耐受情况,分别以单因素和多因
目的 探讨年轻非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)患者的临床病理特征及预后.方法 纳入2008年至2014年华西医院收治的原发性NSCLC患者5320例.根据年龄分为年轻组(≤45岁)、中青年组(46 ~ 60
目的 研究血浆网膜素-1在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(简称慢阻肺)患者临床评价中的价值,并进一步探讨其与慢阻肺急性加重病情严重程度的相关性.方法 选取124例慢阻肺患者,按照病程分为
特发性肺纤维化(idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,IPF)是最常见的特发性间质性肺炎,是一种慢性、进行性、不可逆性和致死性肺部疾病,多发于中老年男性,中位发病年龄为65岁.其
急性呼吸窘迫综合征(acute respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS)是由多种病因引起的以进行性呼吸困难和顽固性低氧血症为特征的急性呼吸衰竭[1],以弥漫性损伤导致肺泡-毛细