Efficiency Criterion of Corrosion Inhibitors of Carbon Steel in Seawater

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  A criterion of the efficiency evaluation of corrosion inhibitors of metallic samples in aqueous solutions was proposed for the first time.The criterion was derived based on calculating the limit of ratio value of the resistivity of carbon steel sample in inhibited seawater (ρins) to the resistivity of the carbon steel sample in blank seawater(ρs). In other words, the criterion; lim (ρins/ρs) =1 will determine the efficiency of the corrosion inhibitor in the seawater when ρins becomes equal (decreases) to ρs as a function of time of the exposure of the sample to the inhibited seawater. This criterion is not only can be used to determine the efficiency of different corrosion inhibitors, but also, the criterion can be used to determine the efficiency of corrosion inhibitors with a wide range of concentrations in different aqueous solutions. In addition, the criterion can be applied under diverse test conditions with a predetermined period of inhibitor’s dosages.
  Key words: Efficiency of corrosion inhibitors; Resistivity; Carbon steel; Seawater
  In the oil production, water and acidic gases, i.e., H2S and CO2, are co-produced with the oil. The acidic gases are known to associate with a variety of corrosion damage to the surface facilities leading to costly failures. Also, the acidic gases cause a reduction in the service life of equipment. One of the known method of protection against corrosion damage in oil production is the usage of corrosion inhibitors[1]. Corrosion inhibitors are organic and inorganic materials that are usually added to a fluid source (liquids or gages) in small amounts on a frequent basis to reduce or to stop corrosion.
  The evaluation of corrosion inhibitors of exposed metals has been studied by many investigators[2-9]. Some studies of the corrosion inhibitors were dependent on electrochemical techniques like linear polarization, polarization resistance, Tafel plot, potential dynamic curve, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy[10]. In contrast, other studies were relied on only the weight loss method for evaluation of the corrosion inhibitors[10].
  In the present work, a criterion of the efficiency evaluation of corrosion inhibitors was developed. The criterion was plotted based on obtained resistivity data of the author’s previous works[11-13]. The resistivity value of the corrosion inhibitor can be measured as the follows[11-13]:
  λ is the wavelength of the laser light used in the experiment, for He–Ne laser light, λ = 0.6234 μm;   α is the illumination angle, α = 51.2o;
  β is the viewing angle, β = 90o, both α and β can be obtained from the setup of the experiment.
  A detailed derivation of Equations (1) and (2) is given elsewhere in literature[11-13]. Equation (1) can be used to determine the resistivity of carbon steel samples in aqueous solution by the substitution of the value of alternating current impedance (|Z|, Ohm) in the place of the value of R. This is valid when the |Z| value was measured by the technique of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) at very low frequency, at room temperature[11-13]. In other words, Equation (1) can be rewritten to a modified version of the following form:
  Equation (4) states that when ρins becomes equal(decreases) to ρs as a function of time of the exposure of the sample to the inhibited seawater, the sample is no longer protected by the corrosion inhibitor.
  In this investigation, Equation (4) was used for the first time to determine the efficiency of corrosion inhibitors of the carbon steel samples in blank seawater and in seawater with a concentration range of 5-20 ppm of TROS C-70 corrosion inhibitor, at room temperature. The pH of the blank seawater, seawater with 5 ppm TROS C-70, seawater with 10 ppm TROS C-70, and seawater with 20 ppm TROS C-70 is 8.24, 8.23, 8.23, and 8.22, respectively. The chemical composition of the carbon steel is 0.18–0.23%C, 0.3–0.6%Mn, and balanced Fe. The TROS C-70 corrosion inhibitor has been commonly used in the petroleum industries.
  In addition, Equation (4) was used with the assumption that Utotal is the total thickness of the formed oxide layer of carbon steel samples in inhibited seawater or Utotal is the total thickness of the anodic dissolved layer of carbon steel samples in blank seawater. So, one can measure the total thickness of the formed oxide layer, Utotal, of carbon steel samples in 5-20 ppm TROS C-70 inhibited seawater solutions or the thickness of the anodic dissolved layer of carbon steel samples in blank seawater.
  It is obvious from Table 1 that the carbon steel sample in 10 ppm TROS C-7 inhibited seawater has the highest efficiency among the rest of the samples in the TROS C-7 inhibited seawater with respect to the carbon steel sample in blank seawater. The ratio of (ρins/ρs) of the carbon steel sample in 10 ppm TROS C-7 inhibited seawater is the highest (ρins/ρs = 3.35×1012) compared to the carbon steel sample in 5ppm TROS C-7 (ρins/ρs = 1.855×1012) and 20 ppm TROS C-7 (ρins/ρs = 1.7×1012) inhibited seawater, respectively. Plots of the lim (ρins/ρs) versus Time of exposure (a predetermined time of a 12 months of inhibitor’s dosage) are illustrated in Figures 1, 2,3 for efficiency evaluation of the carbon steel samples in 5,10, 20 ppm TROS C-7 inhibited seawater solutions, respectively. Figures 1, 2, and 3 were plotted at time of exposure = 0, (ρins/ρs ) = 1.85×1012, 3.35×1012, and 1.7×1012 for carbon steel sample in 5, 10, and 20 ppm TROS C-7 inhibited seawater, respectively. Furthermore, at time of exposure = 12 mons, Figures 1, 2, and 3 were plotted; (ρins/ρs ) = 1, 1, and 1 for carbon steel sample in 5, 10, and 20 ppm TROS C-7 inhibited seawater, respectively.   Figures 1, 2, 3 show two regions. One region is above the line in the Figures, in which the corrosion inhibitor is efficient enough with respect to the proposed criterion of Equation (4). The other region is below the line in the Figures, in which the inhibitor is not efficient with respect to the proposed criterion of Equation (4). In this case, an addition of inhibitor’s dosage is essential. The efficiency of inhibitor can be actually determined by measuring ρins, ρs, and then lim (ρins/ρs) on a frequent basis during the predetermined of exposure time of the carbon steel sample in the inhibited seawater. Then, the obtained value of lim (ρins/ρs) can be compared with a standard plot of lim (ρins/ρs) like those in Figures 1, 2, 3 with a specific time of exposure. So, Figures 1, 2, 3 can be standard efficiency plots for different kinds of corrosion inhibitors.
  A criterion of the efficiency evaluation of corrosion inhibitors was developed for carbon steel sample in sweater. The criterion was derived based on the ratio value of the resistivity of carbon steel sample in inhibited seawater(ρins) to the resistivity of the carbon steel sample in blank seawater (ρs) according to lim (ρins/ρs) = 1, when ρins comes equal (decreases) to ρs as a function of time of the exposure of the sample in the inhibited seawater. The ratio of (ρins/ρs) of the carbon steel sample in 10ppm TROS C-7 inhibited seawater was found the highest (ρins/ρs = 3.35×1012) compared to the carbon steel sample in 5ppm TROS C-7(ρins/ρs = 1.855×1012) and 20 ppm TROS C-7 (ρins/ρs = 1.7×1012) inhibited seawater, respectively. Plots of the lim(ρins/ρs) versus Time of exposure like those of Figures 1, 2, 3 can be standard efficiency plots for different kinds of corrosion inhibitors.
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[a] No.827 Bei 1 Road Dongying City, Shangdong Province, China.  *Corresponding author.  Received 13 May 2013; accepted 16 September 2013  ABSTRACT  The pore water pressure accumulation in the seabed
晚上,我靠在床上看《西游记》,正看到小妖“小钻风”出来巡山,就听到老妈在外面喊:“九点半了,刷牙睡觉!”唉!我最烦的就是每天刷牙了,于是假装没听到,倒头睡下,还闭上眼睛。  渐渐地,我的眼皮沉重起来,这时,忽听到有声音在喊:“大王派我来巡山喽!”吓得我忙问道:“谁?是谁在喊?”只见“小钻风”居然从我嘴里钻了出来,站在我的鼻子上对我说:“我是小钻风,今日奉我家酸角大王和尖角大王之命,特来请你赴宴,跟
坐在餐桌前,看着面前的一副碗筷,我又想起了你……你,黑黑的,瘦瘦的,跟著打工的父母从外地农村转到了我们班级。你少言寡语,每天穿的衣服都是破旧的,你被嘲笑更是因为你刚来时,连26个英文字母都不认识。但是当我发现,你的数学成绩屡次追上我,我开始讨厌你,嫉妒你。  我思量着,一定要找个机会整整你。学校艺术节——“我型我秀”节目参演如期而至,每个班级都进入了紧锣密鼓的准备阶段。作为一班之长,我和班委决定来
每年的4月1日是“国际爱鸟日”,我国四五月份有“爱鸟周”。然而,我还想设立一个自己的爱鸟日,把这个有意义的节日定在9月25日,那天正好是我的生日。  有一天,我回老家,看见那里鲜花遍地,绿树成阴,鸟儿在树梢上唱歌,一切都是那么美。邻居家的小男孩听到我回来了,立刻来找我玩。他爸爸热情地对我们说:“你们多玩一会,晚上叔叔请你们吃好吃的,可香了。”一听说有好吃的,馋嘴的我们根本不知道是什么,就急切地答应
我家有一只非常可爱的京巴狗,它的名字叫欢欢。它一身棕色皮毛,头又圆又大,黑黑的眼睛闪闪发亮,像两颗晶莹的珠子,眼睛下面有一个小而圆的鼻子,虽然小但是非常灵敏,有一小点气味它都能分辨得出来。它的四肢很发达,体格矫健,再加上那威武的神态,简直就像一个保卫国家的勇士。  欢欢非常有趣可爱。它吃饭的时候特别奇怪,吃一口东张西望,再吃一口还是左顾右盼,好像怕有人跟它抢似的,不停地在观察敌情,做好随时应战的准
我有一支钢笔,它陪伴我走過了两年的时光。我做作业,甚至考试的时候,总是使用它。它一直冲锋在写字战场的最前方,像一杆冲锋枪,立下了无数的汗马功劳。  钢笔很漂亮,乌黑乌黑的,像浓墨一样,而且外壁光滑得像会发光一样。笔盖子上雕刻了花纹,增添了钢笔的古典美。在钢笔的中部,有一圈金色。笔尖也是金色的,不粗不细。钢笔不长,甚至比一般的圆珠笔还短些,但是更粗,因为它的肚子里都是墨水。让笔尖在白纸上划动,里面的
周末, 妈妈买了好几只大螃蟹,可等到煮螃蟹时却发现少了一只。她四处寻找,可就是没有它的踪影,“真的见鬼了?”  晚饭后,爸爸妈妈有事出门了。我一个人在家有点害怕,于是躲进房间,把门反锁,开始做我最喜欢的事——画画,用它陪伴我度过这“孤独”的时间。  画着、画着,我突然听到窸窸窣窣的声音。难道是爸妈回来啦?可是我并没有听到他们开门的声音啊!我故作镇定地朝门外喊了一声:“爸爸妈妈,你们回来啦?”可是,
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