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党的十一届三中全会以来山东省潍坊市勤工俭学工作有了较稳定的发展。但由于传统观念的束缚,加上片面追求升学率之风的影响,勤工俭学工作没有受到应有的重视。一般号召多,具体指导少;从理论上谈它的好处多,在实际中解决的问题少。致使这项工作发展不快,没有较大的突破。潍坊市教委分析了这些问题以后,认为必须从实处入手,采取有效措施把勤工俭学抓起来。市教委在制定“七五”规划时,把勤工俭学列为教育工作三大突破重点之一。为保证勤工俭学工作确实有所突破,他们要求各县(市、区)一定要抓好管理机构的建设,做到市、县、乡三级机构健全,上能通,下能达。不仅管理人员身上有担子,而且要求校长把勤工俭学当做一项硬任务,考评各级领导工作成绩,勤工俭学工作成绩要占相当的比例。这样做给各县(市、区)坚定了抓勤工俭学工作的信心,也压上 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the work-study program in Weifang, Shandong Province has enjoyed a relatively steady development. However, due to the shackles of traditional concepts and the unilateral pursuit of the impact of the windfall rate, the work-study program has not received the attention it deserves. General call for more specific guidance less; from the theoretical point of its many advantages, in practice, to solve the problem less. As a result, the work has not developed rapidly and there is no major breakthrough. Weifang City Board of Education analyzed these issues later, that must start from the actual situation, take effective measures to grasp the work-study program. City Board of Education in the development of “seven five” plan, the work-study program as one of the three major breakthroughs in education. In order to ensure a breakthrough in work-study programs, they demanded that all counties (cities and districts) must take a good management of the construction of the administrative organs so that the institutions at the municipal, county and township levels are sound and capable of meeting the needs of all levels. Not only managers have a heavy burden, but also ask the principals to consider work-study programs as a hard task, assess the achievements of leading bodies at all levels, and work-study programs should account for a considerable proportion. In doing so, all counties (cities and districts) have also strengthened their confidence in the work-study program
随着生物教学的改革和发展,各地中小学的生物实验仪器、标本和挂图数量不断增加。如何更好地管理,以延长使用寿命,更好地服务于生物教学,下面谈几点作法。 (一)春季保管 1.
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