上海打响今冬明春火灾防控攻坚战 全面推进劳动密集型企业消防安全专项治理工作

来源 :新安全 东方消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyerhan
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冬季是火灾的高发期,为深入贯彻国家冬春火灾防控会议精神,上海狠抓今冬明春火灾防控工作各项措施落实,结合实际,层层部署。上海市副市长白少康亲自挂帅领导小组,逐级部署推进;属地政府牵头,公安、工商、安监、质检等部门及街道、乡镇基层组织共同参与,严查严治劳动密集型企业火患;宣传部门组织新闻媒体推出“冬春火灾防控”专栏,及时刊播动态报道、消防安全提示和公益广告,深入发动群防;各区县政府、应急办牵头健全落实社会联勤联动机制,加强装备、药剂和物资储备,组织开展灭火救援拉动演练,提高应急保障能力。 Winter is the peak of the fire. In order to thoroughly implement the national conference on winter and spring fire prevention and control, Shanghai has taken all measures to prevent it from happening during the winter and spring this year and implemented it at various levels. Vice Mayor of Shanghai Bai Shaokang himself in command of the leading group, step by step to promote the deployment; local government take the lead, public security, industry and commerce, safety supervision, quality inspection and other departments and streets, township grass-roots organizations to participate in joint investigation, rigorous investigation of labor-intensive enterprises fire ; The propaganda department organized the news media to launch the column entitled “Prevention and Control of Winter and Spring Fires”, timely broadcast news reports, fire safety tips and public service announcements, and launch intensive anti-personnel campaigns; all district and county governments and emergency offices took the lead and implemented the joint mechanism of social joint logistics , Strengthen equipment, medicines and supplies reserve, organize fire fighting and rescue driving exercises to improve emergency support capabilities.
省档案局选派的10名优秀干部(1名副局长、6名处级干部、3名科级干部),在副局长赵万吉同志的带领下,于10月21日晚上九点赶到志丹县。 Under the leadership of Comrade Zhao