
来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ujjih
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以42CrMo钢为研究对象,对铸态坯料的环形零件辗扩成形过程进行了热力耦合分析。通过铸态42CrMo材料的热压缩实验,建立了两段式流变应力模型;对环形铸坯热辗扩成形过程进行了数值模拟,得出了基于铸坯的环件热辗扩成形过程等效应变、温度场及载荷的分布情况与演变规律,分析了辗扩工艺参数对成形过程中应力、应变和温度变化的影响。结合工业性铸坯环件辗扩成形试验,对改善和提高辗扩成形零件的组织和性能提出了建议和措施。所得结果对于完善环形零件铸辗复合成形新工艺具有指导意义。 With 42CrMo steel as the research object, the thermal coupling analysis of the annular part of the as-cast billet was carried out. A two-stage flow stress model was established by thermal compression experiment of cast 42CrMo material. The hot rolling process of the annular billet was numerically simulated, and the equivalent effect of ring rolling process was obtained based on the billet The distribution of the temperature field and the load and the evolution of the load, the influence of the technological parameters on the stress, strain and temperature during the forming process were analyzed. Combined with the industrial casting billet ring forming test, to improve and improve the structure and performance of rolling forming parts made recommendations and measures. The results obtained for the improvement of annular parts casting compounding new process has guiding significance.
痛经是女性青年时期常见的病症,系普遍现象。多年来,学者们提出过许许多多不同的理论,而最新的国外资料显示,痛经与体内缺乏一种重要的矿物元素镁有关。 近年来,国外有关研究结果
世界性的保健食品热湖 ,眼花缭乱的保健食品世界 ,常常使人产生疑问 :保健食品是否要成为人们的必需品?专家的回答是肯定的。原因有三 :其一是大气污染、土地恶化、水质不洁等
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