,Christopher Bayly as a Pioneer of Global History

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Christopher Bayly,who died in Chicago on April 18,2015 at the age of 69,was the preeminent historian of India and the British Empire,a key pioneer of the field of global history,perhaps the most gifted Britishb historian of his generation.In 2007 he was the first scholar to be knighted by the British govment for services to history outside of Europe.His adult life was anchored in the University of Cambridge,where he was Fellow of St.Catharine’s College from 1970,and Vere Harmsworth Professor of Imperial and Naval History (1992 to 2013).But his distinction wasintational:he held appointments and received honours in India,Europe,the United States and Australia,and at his death held concurrently professorships at Chicago,Copenhagen,and Queen Mary University of London.
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