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由于关于索网幕墙端部加弹簧装置的研究很少,因此,对如何选取索端弹簧刚度以及弹簧在索受力过程中有何种作用是索网幕墙设计工作十分关注的问题。为此,基于北京奥体南区3号地项目前期索网计算模型,在保证外荷载和各索预应力或索网最大挠度不变的条件下,分析了弹簧刚度对索网受力性能的影响。结果表明:在外荷载相同时,弹簧刚度越小,竖索的轴力和竖向支座反力越小,对满足竖索及与竖索相连主体结构的承载力要求越有利,但同时会引起横索轴力和竖索最大挠度或竖索初始预应力的增大;弹簧刚度越小,竖索的内力越不均匀,并且这种不均匀程度主要与竖索承受的重力荷载有关,而与初始预应力和挠度变化无关;弹簧刚度越小,弹簧参与整体受力的程度越大,但不能以弹簧与索的线刚度比值1作为划分弹簧参与整体受力程度的依据;满足设计要求的弹簧刚度不唯一。 Because there is little research on the spring-loaded device for the end of the cable network, it is a very important issue how to select the spring stiffness of the cable end and the spring force in the process of cable bearing. Therefore, based on the calculation model of the cable network in No.3 South of Beijing Olympic Stadium project, under the condition that the external load, the prestress of each cable or the maximum deflection of the cable network are unchanged, the influence of spring stiffness on the mechanical properties of the cable network influences. The results show that the smaller the spring stiffness is, the smaller the axial force of the vertical cable and the vertical bearing reaction force are, and the more favorable the bearing capacity of the main structure to meet the vertical cable and the vertical cable is. The maximum axial force and the maximum deflection of the vertical cable or the initial prestress of the vertical cable; the smaller the spring stiffness, the more uneven the internal force of the vertical cable, and the degree of this nonuniformity is mainly related to the gravity load on the vertical cable, The initial prestress and deflection change has nothing to do; the smaller the spring stiffness, the greater the degree of spring participation in the overall force, but can not spring and cable line stiffness ratio 1 as the basis for the division of the spring to participate in the overall degree of stress; to meet the design requirements of the spring Stiffness is not unique.
送 别  一  母亲头戴黑绒底子镶金边的凤冠,凤冠上用金黄丝线绣着一只展翅凤凰,沿着金边还扎着一个一个明晃晃的珍珠。母亲眉毛描得弯弯黑黑的,腮红扑得粉粉的,口红涂得艳艳的;还有宝石兰缎面烫金的花棉袄,藏青色压花的裙子,粉底金边的绣花鞋。母亲躺在莱钢医院的殡仪馆,端庄华丽,像个  皇后。  母亲生我、养我三十八年。三十八年里,我唯一一次见化妆后的母亲。儿时常听邻居六婶子说,你娘可是个讲究的人,年轻那
冰箱,一件再普通不过的家用电器,如今几乎家家都会摆上一台。而想象一下,在遥远的过去,想要在夏季里尝到冰冻的水果或者食物真是一种奢望。冰箱,一个从奢侈的代名词到每个家庭都能拥有的寻常物件,它一路走来,有多少精彩值得我们怀念。  炎热的季节,一瓶冰镇的饮料清涼解暑。但是,在以前没有冰箱的时候,人们怎么消暑降温、保鲜食物呢?其实和任何一件家用电器一样,冰箱的普及也走过了漫长的道路。今天,咱们就来聊聊冰箱