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The brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus californiensis, is the most important shrimp species in the Mexican Pacific coastal fisheries, with annual yields averaging 20
<正> 在1980年至1985年期间,日本建筑机械死亡事故发生率低于坠落和汽车事故发生率而居第三位,但1986年至1988年期间却上升为第二位,成为仅次于坠落死亡事故的主要死亡事故原
[摘要] 目前,天津工业具有优势产业突出,产业集群态势明显,配套能力强,技术创新含量不断提高等优势,但也存在着产业集群规模不够强大、各行业间效益不均衡,以及自主创新能力较弱等问题,因此,为提高天津工业经济发展水平,应不断优化升级产业结构。  [关键词] 产业结构 产业集群 优化    产业结构与经济发展密切相关,产业结构不断优化升级是经济发展的一般规律,合理的产业结构是国民经济持续发展的重要保证。
In the present study, the Karun River in Khuzestan province in Iran is that is somehow considered the river with the most water in the country was examined. To
Yinggehai Basin locates in the northern South China Sea. Since the Cainozoic Era, crust has several strong tension: the basin subsides quickly, the deposition i
This study describes the coral communities near Qatarand Abu Dhabi (UAE) ten years after the recurrent elevated temperature anomalies of 1996, 1998 and 2002 whi
<正> 现浇钢筋混凝土挑檐板、长度较大的雨罩和遮阳板等悬挑薄板,都较普遍地存在程度不同的垂直于墙面的横向裂缝。裂缝从悬挑板的外边缘开始,向根部发展。多数裂缝通到根部,
The species composition and infection levels were determined for helminth parasites in the mole crab, Emerita rathbunae, collected from seven sandy beaches from
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the gastropod diversity is high, due to the majority of shores are rocky. The wet rocky shore promotes algal growth, which is ultim