Convective Transport in Rectangular Cavities Partially Heated at the Bottom and Cooled at One Side

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windwebsystem
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Laminar natural convection heat transfer inside air-filled, rectangular enclosures partially heated from below and cooled at one side is studied numerically. A computational code based on the SIMPLE-C algorithm is used for the solution of the system of the mass, momentum, and energy transfer governing equations. Simulations are performed for a complete range of heater size, for Rayleigh numbers based on the height of the cavity ranging from 10~3to 10~6, and for height-to-width aspect ratios of the cavity spanning from 0.25 to 4. It is found that the heat transfer rate increases with increasing the heater size and the Rayleigh number, while it decreases with increasing the aspect ratio of the cavity. Dimensionless heat transfer correlations are also proposed. A computational code based on the SIMPLE-C algorithm is used for the solution of the system of the mass, momentum, and energy transfer governing equations. Simulations are performed for a complete range of heater size, for Rayleigh numbers based on the height of the cavity ranging from 10 ~ 3to 10 ~ 6, and for height-to-width aspect ratios of the cavity spanning from 0.25 to 4. It is found that the heat transfer rate increases with increasing the heater size and the Rayleigh number, while it decreases with increasing the aspect ratio of the cavity. Dimensionless heat transfer correlations are also proposed.
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军务(1921.1--1922.12)rn十年一月十一日 上午,接奉中师电如下:觉生译转介石兄鉴:援桂克日出师,请兄速来臂助,兄本允我赴追随,勿再迟延为幸,盼复.孙文.阳.印.
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