Development and implementation of incident response near-infrared models for analyzing contaminated

来源 :JournalofInnovativeOpticalHealthSciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adder2001
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Samples of preparations contaminated by diethylene glycol (DEG), diethylene glycol raw materials and laboratory prepared solutions were measured to get NIR spectra. Then the identi fication models were developed using the collected spectra and the spectra of distilled water, propylene glycol and the preparations without diethylene glycol. Besides, the quantification model was also established for determining the concentration of diethylene glycol in the preparations. Validation results show the identification and quantification models have ideal prediction performance. The emergency NIR models are rapid, easy to use and accurate, and can be implemented for identifying diethylene glycol raw material, screening the preparations contaminated by diethylene glycol in the markets and analyzing the concentrations of DEG.
Ultrashort pulses were generated in passively mode-locked Nd:YAG and Nd:GdVO4 lasers pumped by a pulsed laser diode with 10-Hz repetition rate. Stable mode-locked pulse trains were produced with the pulse width of 10 ps. The evolution of the mode-locked p
基于径向偏振光的广泛应用, 从理论与实验上研究了径向偏振光的产生与传输。实验上, 得用阶跃型相位跃变器在腔外将两束偏振正交的TEM00模光束分别转化为偏振正交的TEM01与TEM10模光束, 利用马赫-曾德尔干涉仪将产生的TEM01与TEM10模光束进行相干叠加得到径向偏振光。理论上, 用标量衍射积分对TEM01与TEM10模光束的产生, 以及通过相干叠加得到的径向偏振光进行数值模拟。同时指出实验上的误差对产生径向偏振光的影响, 以及研究了传输过程中实验上所获得的径向偏振光光斑的变化。聚焦径向偏振光可产生
通过将一根单模双芯光纤熔接在两根单模光纤之间,实验制得全光纤马赫曾德尔干涉仪型梳状滤波器。用干涉原理分别分析了该器件的传输谱相邻峰值的波长间隔与波长、双芯光纤的长度和两纤芯间的有效折射率差的关系。某固定波长处,相邻峰值的波长间隔与该波长的平方成正比,与双芯光纤的长度和两纤芯间的有效折射率差的乘积成反比。实验测试并分析了所制梳状滤波器的插入损耗、传输谱平坦度和消光比等特性。通过对该器件的单模光纤与双芯光纤熔接处进行拉锥处理,可以有效降低所制器件的插入损耗,实验制得插入损耗约为7 dB的梳状滤波器。传输谱最大
提出了一种新的复杂背景下低信噪比红外弱点目标检测算法。根据红外弱点目标在图像中的三维空间特征,从空间认知的角度出发,将三维的灰度分布特征转化为二维的等高线曲线特征, 建立红外图像的等高线图(IECM)描述,利用图论中的树结构(等高线树)形式化地表达等高线的空间关系,在此基础上,给出弱点目标检测的等高线树检测准则,同时给出了等高线划分等级的选择方法。理论分析与实验结果表明,该算法具有良好的检测性能,且结构简单,利于硬件实时实现。在信噪比为1.4的情况下,对红外图像序列的检测概率为96.3%。
微型化激光二极管(LD)抽运高重复频率固体激光器在工程应用方面总是存在器件散热与体积之间的矛盾。窄脉宽激光二极管抽运技术的使用,不仅提高了产品的光电技术指标,而且将关键元器件的散热功率降到原先的30%,有效地解决了微型元器件散热与体积之间的矛盾,使激光器的整体性能有了显著提高。在工作重复频率2.5 kHz,抽运脉宽120 μs的条件下,实现了峰值功率12.1 kW,脉冲宽度约为7.7 ns,光束质量因子M2约为1.7的激光脉冲输出,并使激光器在-55~+75 ℃温度条件下长期稳定工作。窄脉宽抽运技术使整机
In dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) optical transmission systems, cross-phase modulation (XPM) due to Kerr effect causes phase shift on each channel, which will ultimately be transformed to amplitude noise that leads to power penalties. In th
We study nanometer copper thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering and treated with laser shock processing (LSP). We observe the formation of firstborn twin crystals and some complete twin crystals in the copper thin films. After LSP, scanning electron