Recent progresses in stem cell research and hearing restoration

来源 :Journal of Otology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kevin7878
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Serious hearing and balance impairments can occur as a result of loss of hair cells related to aging, environmental stresses(such as noises exposure) or exposure to chemotherapeutic drugs(such as cisplatin and aminoglycoside antibiotics). Because a large portion of hearing impairment involves loss of hair cells, regeneration or replacement of these cells is a possible alternative to prosthetic devices1. Researchers have paid hot attention to the study of inner ear hair cell regeneration for hearing restoration for many years. Besides the important function of hair cells, there are many other contributors essential for normal hearing. Hair cell regeneration is one of the essential steps for total hearing recovery, but not the only one. In this article, we will review the progresses in research on hearing loss, stem cell application and hearing restoration. Serious hearing and balance impairments can occur as a result of loss of hair cells related to aging, environmental stresses (such as noises exposure) or exposure to chemotherapeutic drugs (such as cisplatin and aminoglycoside antibiotics). of hair cells, regeneration or replacement of these cells is a possible alternative to prosthetic devices 1. Researchers have paid hot attention to the study of inner ear hair cell regeneration for hearing restoration for many years. other contributors essential for normal hearing. Hair cell regeneration is one of the essential steps for total hearing recovery, but not the only one. In this article, we will review the progresses in research on hearing loss, stem cell application and hearing restoration.
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