,Low-Temperature Properties of CePt3P Tuned by Magnetic Field

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:studycomputer1
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We present low-temperature magnetization,magnetoresistance and specific heat measurements on the Kondo lattice compound CePt3P under applied magnetic fields up to 9.0 T.At zero field,CePt3P exhibits a moderately enhanced Sommerfeld coefficient of electronic specific heat γCe =86 mJ/mol.K2 as well as two successive magnetic transitions of Ce 4f moments:an antiferromagnetic ordering at TN1 =3.0 K and a spin reorientation at TN2 =1.9 K.The value of TN1 shifts to lower temperature as magnetic field increases,and it is ultimately suppressed around Bc ~ 3.0 T at 1.5 K.No evidence of non-Fermi liquid behavior is observed around Bc down to the lowest temperature measured.Moreover,γ decreases monotonously with increasing the magnetic field.On the other hand,the electrical resistivity shows an anomalous temperature dependence p ∝ Tn with the exponent n decreasing monotonously from ~2.6 around Bc down to ~1.7 for B =9.0 T.The T B phase diagram constructed from the present experimental results of CePta P does not match the quantum criticality scenario of heavy fermion systems.
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