Spectrum Allocation for Cognitive Radio Networks with Non-Deterministic Bandwidth of Spectrum Hole

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songking515
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The spectrum allocation for cognitive radio networks(CRNs) has received considerable studies under the assumption that the bandwidth of spectrum holes is static. However, in practice, the bandwidth of spectrum holes is time-varied due to primary user/secondary user(PU/SU) activity and mobility, which result in non-determinacy. This paper studies the spectrum allocation for CRNs with non-deterministic bandwidth of spectrum holes. We present a novel probability density function(PDF) through order statistics as well as its simplified form to describe the statistical properties of spectrum holes, with which a statistical spectrum allocation model based on stochastic multiple knapsack problem(MKP) is formulated for spectrum allocation with non-deterministic bandwidth of spectrum holes. To reduce the computational complexity, we transform this stochastic programming problem into a constant MKP through exploiting the properties of cumulative distribution function(CDF), which can be solved via MTHG algorithm by using auxiliary variables. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed statistical spectrum allocation algorithm can achieve better performance compared with the existing algorithms when the bandwidth of spectrum holes is time-varied. The spectrum allocation for cognitive radio networks (CRNs) has received appropriate studies under the assumption that the bandwidth of spectrum holes is static. However, in practice, the bandwidth of spectrum holes is time-varied due to primary user / secondary user (PU / SU) activity and mobility, which result in non-determinacy. This paper studies the spectrum allocation for CRNs with non-deterministic bandwidth of spectrum holes. We present a novel probability density function (PDF) through order statistics as well as its simplified form to describe the statistical properties of spectrum holes, with which a statistical spectrum allocation model based on stochastic multiple knapsack problem (MKP) is formulated for spectrum allocation with non-deterministic bandwidth of spectrum holes. To reduce the computational complexity, we transform this stochastic programming problem into a constant MKP through exploiting the properties of cumulative distribution function (CDF), which can be solved via MTHG algorithm by using auxiliary variables. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed statistical spectrum allocation algorithm can achieve better performance compared with the existing algorithms when the bandwidth of spectrum holes is time-varied.
一、发病特点  仔猪黄痢是猪场的常发病之一。该病的发生无明显季节性,但舍内温度过高时多发,仔猪周围环境温度过低时多发,环境条件差,污染严重的猪舍多发,当管理不善时可增加该
一、小山公修《家乘》  清乾隆二十三年(1758)岁末,内阁学士邹一桂疏请致仕,是年七十三岁。邹一桂,字原褒,号小山,江苏无锡人(按,雍正四年无锡析置金匮,其籍在金匮)。雍正五年(1727)进士,授翰林院编修,历任云南道监察御史、贵州学政、大理寺卿、礼部侍郎。他还是著名的工笔花鸟画家,著有《小山画谱》。邹一桂与乾隆帝关系非同一般,所进图画多邀高宗御题。尝作百花卷,各题一诗进呈,高宗亦和诗百绝。他出
焉耆垦区属于中温带大陆干旱性气候,年平均气温7.9℃,无霜期175d.该区昼夜温差大,日照时间长,光能资源丰富,太阳辐射强,年日照时数达3 128.9h,降水量偏少,蒸发量大,为自然河