
来源 :中国茶叶 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Fishfag
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作者于1993年5月在广西国营垌美农场茶园对氨基酸、高美施、液体复合肥、喷施宝4种叶面营养液进行了效果比较试验,现将试验结果作一介绍。 (一)试验材料和方法试验茶园为云南大叶种,树龄10年,茶树生长基本一致。各处理小区肥培管理一样,采摘标准相同。试验设氨基酸300倍、高美施400倍、液体复合肥800倍、喷施宝10000倍4个处理,以喷等量清水为对照,三次重复,随机排列,每小区面积0.02亩。喷施时间为夏茶一芽一叶初展,第一次为5月20日,第二次5月28日,均使用背负式喷雾器均匀喷湿叶片正背面,采摘标准为一芽二三叶,每次采摘由专人作好产量记录。 (二)试验结果 1.对茶叶产量的影响据夏茶喷施两次后采摘5次 The author conducted a comparative study on the effects of four kinds of foliar nutrient solutions of amino acids, high-Meis, liquid compound fertilizers and Penshibao in the tea plantation of Guangxi Miyazaki Farm in May 1993, and presents the test results as an introduction. (A) Test Materials and Methods Experimental tea plantation for the Yunnan big leaf species, age 10 years, tea tree growth are basically the same. Fertilization management of the same district management, the same picking standards. Amino acid test 300 times, 400 times the high Meisu, 800 times liquid compound fertilizer, spraying Shi Bao 10000 times 4 treatment to spray the same amount of water as a control, repeated three times randomly arranged, each plot area of ​​0.02 acres. Spraying time for a summer tea bud early exhibition, the first for the May 20, the second on May 28, are using a knapsack sprayer spray evenly on the front and back leaves, picking a two-leaf bud standard , Each picking by hand to make a good record of production. (B) test results 1. The impact on tea production According to the summer tea spray twice after picking 5 times
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