Differences of element distribution between free and wheel side surface of NdFeB/α-Fe ribbons

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icefire870723
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The ribbons of NdFeB/α-Fe composite alloy were prepared by melt spinning and post crystallizing technique.The element distri-butions and phase component of both surfaces of as-spun ribbons were measured by energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and X-ray diffrac-tion (XRD).Because of the centrifugation,a segregation of B,Fe,and Nd concentrations was observed at the cross section.After crystallizing annealing,the element concentration segregation still existed in the as-crystallized ribbons.Due to the segregation of B,Fe,and Nd,the B-rich phase was observed near the wheel side surface.The B-rich phase may deteriorate the magnetic property of NdFeB/α-Fe composite alloy. The ribbons of NdFeB / α-Fe composite alloy were prepared by melt spinning and post crystallizing technique. The element distri-butions and phase component of both surfaces of as-spun ribbons were measured by energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and X-ray diffrac Beacause of the centrifugation, a segregation of B, Fe, and Nd concentrations was observed at the cross section. After crystallizing annealing, the element concentration segregation still existed in the as-crystallized ribbons.Due to the segregation of B, Fe, and Nd, the B-rich phase was observed near the wheel side surface. The B-rich phase may deteriorate the magnetic property of NdFeB / α-Fe composite alloy.
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