Clinical Experience in Application of the Point Zhaohai

来源 :中医杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dsdfafdsfsda
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Zhaohai (KI 6) is a point on the Kidney Channel of Foot Shaoyin, and it is one of the eight confluent points, connecting with the Yinqiao Channel. It is located in the depression of the lower border of the medial malleolus, indicated for the disorders along the distributing courses of the Foot Shaoyin Channel and Yinqiao Channel. Connecting with the kidney and bladder collaterally, it gives the effect of reinforcing the kidney and strengthening qi, and promoting the function of the bladder. rn
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65岁以上的老年人每年约有1/3的人跌倒1次以上,并随年龄的递增而增加.跌倒造成的伤害严重影响老年人的身心健康和生活自理能力,给家庭和社会带来巨大的负担[1] .老年脑血管病
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