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说起沧州的电信事业,起步似乎并不算晚,1902年沧州就已开设了电报局。然而从清末到民国,40多年里,沧州电信业若有似无,到1947年沧州解放时。全沧州仅有磁石电话百多部,电信业的发展处于停顿状态。解放后,沧州的电信事业得到发展,到改革开放初,全市装机总容量达到5000门,但通信交换设备仍是落后的磁石式和机电制交换机,传输设备主要是架空明线和电缆。陈旧的通信设施已成为制约沧州国民经济发展的“瓶颈”。改革开放使沧州的各项事业有了长足发展,也对电信业提出了更高的要求。一次,“全国弯头之乡”孟村回族自治县的一位私营企业家到福建省一家大型国有企业洽谈业务,并与这家企业达成了供货意向,可当对方听说这家私营企业没有电话时,明确告诉他以后不要再来了,人家认为,一个连程控电话都没有的企业,没有资格向他们这样的大型国有企业供货。为加快电信事业的发展速度,1986年,沧州地区行政公署下发了《关于加速邮电发展的若干规定》,给予邮电部门优惠政策,为沧州通信事业的发展提供了有力的保证。1988年12月24日,投资753.68万元的沧州市电信大楼土建工程开工,1991年5月,沧州市邮电局引进的加拿大1.4万门程控电话设备投入运营。当年的林冲发配之地开通了程控电话,《人民日报》对此进行了报道。到1994年底,全市实现了电话交换程控化,并 Talking about telecommunications in Cangzhou, the start does not seem late, in 1902 Cangzhou has opened a telegraph bureau. However, from the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, more than 40 years, Cangzhou telecommunications industry, if any, to the liberation of Cangzhou in 1947. All Cangzhou magnet only more than a hundred Ministry, the development of the telecommunications industry at a standstill. After the liberation, the telecommunications industry in Cangzhou was developed. By the beginning of the reform and opening up, the city’s total installed capacity reached 5,000, but the communications switching equipment was still behind the magnetism and electromechanical switches. The transmission equipment mainly consisted of overhead wires and cables. Outdated communications facilities have become a “bottleneck” restricting the development of Cangzhou’s national economy. The reform and opening up have made rapid progress in various undertakings in Cangzhou and made higher demands on the telecommunications industry. Once, “a hometown of elcquets” “A private entrepreneur in Mengcun Hui Autonomous County negotiated business with a large state-owned enterprise in Fujian Province and reached a supply intention with the company. When the other party heard about the private-owned business Enterprises do not have a phone call, clearly told him not to come back later, people think that even a program-controlled telephone companies are not eligible to supply them such a large state-owned enterprises. In order to speed up the development of the telecom industry, in 1986, Cangzhou Regional Administrative Office issued ”Several Provisions on Accelerating the Development of Posts and Telecommunications", giving favorable preferential policies to the post and telecommunications departments and providing a powerful guarantee for the development of Cangzhou’s telecommunications industry. December 24, 1988, investment 75.368 million yuan Cangzhou Telecom Building Civil Engineering started in May 1991, Cangzhou City Post Office introduced Canada’s 14,000 program-controlled telephone equipment put into operation. In the same year, Lin Chongfa opened a program-controlled telephone, which was reported by People’s Daily. By the end of 1994, the whole city had realized the program-controlled telephone exchange
在高中必修三教材中,重点介绍了对于两个变量存在线性相关的情况下,利用最小二乘法求由这组数据确定的散点图最近的一条直线方程.这是利用统计中的回归分析方法,来确定两种或两种以上变数间相互依赖的定量关系的一种统计分析方法,运用十分广泛.下面从以下几个方面,结合例题将教材的内容有的放矢地向同学们进行介绍.  一、最小二乘法的数学解释
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高中阶段,我们接触到的统计图表有以下四种:频率分布表,能从数量上比较准确地反映样本的频率分布规律;频率分布直方图,能直观地反映样本的频率分布情况;频率分布折线图,能反映数据的变化趋势;总体密度曲线,样本容量越大,估计越准确.  其中,频率分布表和频率分布直方图考查较多,本文主要解读这两种图表的绘制方式.  一、频率分布表的绘制  为了能直观地显示样本的频率分布情况,通常将样本的容量、样本中出现该事
马尔特手记勒内·玛丽亚·里尔克/上海文艺出版社/2007.1像我们所了解到的那样,勒内·玛丽亚·里尔克是20世纪最重要的德语诗人之一。 Martell’s Handwriting Rene Maria R