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1.常用词汇、短语 铲球 sliding tackle 在潮湿的足球场、在边线或球门线附近,铲球特别有效。 The sliding tackle is particularly effective on a wet pitch or in the vi
赵大妈出手,烧烤摊起死回生,日赚400 2006年9月,刘建军做了他人生中最冒险的一个决定。刘建军原是个普普通通的修鞋匠,在他摆摊的小区里有一个烧烤摊,每天光顾的人络绎不绝,
Ⅰ .VocabularyandStucture (1 0 points,1 pointforeach)1 .Almosteverythingamanagerdoes  deci sions;indeed ,somesuggestthatthemanagementpro c? I.VocabularyandStucture (1 0 points,1 pointforeach)1 .Almosteverythingamanagerdoes deci sions;indeed ,somesuggestth
Father:Dad,will you please tell Mum my dream? Son:How can I? You haven’t told me about it yet. Father:But you were in my dream.You should know it. Father:Dad
在美国,我看到许多女学生在校园抽烟、喝酒。她们像谈论奶酪一样随意谈论性。在中国,如果一个女孩子抽烟,就没有男孩愿意约会她,因为她举止不得体。而在公共场合谈论性 In
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Whenever her mother was making up colorful clothes, the girl would sit around, watching with great interest. In her mind’s eye, there appeared the happiest mo
英语里,还有哪两个词比“夏日午后”更能唤起人们惬意的感受呢夕如果一年伊始是绝对自我(举止得体,忙碌不停,不断进取)的话,那么年中就是本能自我了(请把遮阳屏拿来)。 In E