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  Teaching Goals:
  Knowledge Goals:
  1.Get a general idea of Orient carnival ---Torch festival .
  2.Learn the usages of the Passive Voice in some certain cases.
  3.Learn to make use of The Passive Voice in different tenses and behind modal verbs.
  Ability Goals:
  1.Enable the student to understand the different forms of the Passive Voice used in different cases.
  2.Enable the student to finish the tasks related to the usages of the Passive Voice quickly and correctly.
  3.Enable the student to use the Passive Voice in specific contexts correctly.
  Moral Goals:
  1.Help the students learn to appreciate the traditional culture,and learn to introduce local festivel in English.
  2.Enable the students to solve problems by cooperating with their group members .
  Teaching Important Points:
  Use suitable methods to help students master the use of the Passive Voice correctly.
  Teaching Difficult Points:
  1.How to help the students understand the use of different The Passive Voice to express their opinions.
  2.How to enable the students to use proper The Passive Voice in specific contexts flexibly and correctly.
  3.How to help the students finish all the tasks with the needed grammatical information in limited time successfully.
  Teaching Methods:
  Inductive method,Explanation,Discussion,Evaluation,Individual and Group work.
  Teaching Aids:
  Multi-media,PPT,Learning plan and Blackboard.
  Teaching Procedures:
  Step I.Greetings
  Greet the students as usual.
  Step II.Lead-in
  Instruction: The purpose of this step is to lead in the topic- Torch festival and the use of the Passive Voice.
  1.Listen to a song of the Yi Ethnic.
  2.Share a story about the Torch Festival with students and they are asked to pay attention to the underlined words.
  It was said that long long ago,a god of heaven envied Yi people’s happy life,so he sent many locusts to the ground to destroy their crops.However,Atilaba,a brave Yi wrestler,used torches to help people drive away the locusts.The crops were saved,and people got a good harvest in that year.In order to celebrate the success of driving the insects away and Yi people’ s harvest ,a new festival was set up then,which is called Torch Festival and celebrated on lunar June 24 or 25 every year from then on.
  3.Ask the students to tell what kind of voice they belong to.   4.Lead in the new lesson--Passive Voice and its basic form.
  Step III.The Passive Voice learning
  Instruction: The students have a general idea of Passive Voice in previous lessons,so they will be asked to summarize the usages of Passive Voice in different cases by themselves and share the knowledge with the class.
  1.Some students were asked by the teacher to work as assistants and guide the rest of the class to review the passive voice in different cases and know more about Torch Festival.
  2.Students will join in the learning activities vividly and individually.
  3.Students will review the passive form in the following 8 cases:
  (1) Passive Voice in Simple Past Tense:was/were done
  Yi people created torch festival in the past.
  The torch festival was created by Yi people in the past.
  (2) Passive Voice in Simple Present Tense:am/is/are done
  They held Bonfire Party to celebrate the torch festival in the past.
  Bonfire Party was held by them to celebrate the torch festival in the past.
  (3) Passive Voice in Simple Future Tense:will be done Yi people will hold Torch Festival on August 8 of solar calendar this year.
  Torch festival will be held on August 8 of solar calendar this year.
  (4) Passive Voice in Present Continuous Tense:am/is/are being done
  They are singing a toast song.
  A toast song is sung by them.
  (5) Passive Voice in Past Continuous Tense:was/were being done
  They were playing a special musical instrument.
  A special musical instrument was being played by them.
  (6) Passive Voice in Past Perfect Tense:had been done
  They had lit the fire before the we arrived.
  The fire had been lit before we arrived.
  (7) Passive Voice in Present Perfect Tense:has/have been done
  People have done a lot to protect the tradition.
  A lot has been done to protect the tradition.
  (8)带情态动词的被动语态:情态动词后 be done
  We can enjoy wonderful performances there.
  Wonderful performances can be enjoyed by us there。
  Instruction: There are 3 tasks for the students to do,which are designed to consolidate what they have learned about passive voice and get more information about Torch Festival.
  Task 1 Correct the errors in the sentences.
  1.Students will be asked to finish the tasks by discussing with other members in their group,and each group will choose a representative to report answers and write them on the blackboard.   2.The teacher will give necessary help if in need,and then help to give proper evaluations.
  ①The Torch Festival was enjoyed by millions of people today.( is)
  ②Some performances will given by Yi people.(will be)
  ③The work had been finish before they went home.(finished )
  ④Those customs couldn’t be forgot by us.(forgotten )
  Task 2:Fill in the blanks
  1.Students will be asked to use the proper form of the given words to fill in the blank according to the context.They will finish the tasks by discussing with other members in their group,and each group will choose a representative to report their answers.
  2.The teacher will give necessary help if in need,and then help to give proper evaluations.
  Torch Festival① is considered (consider)as an important festival of the Yi people,which falls on June 24 or25 every year .The coming Torch festival ②will be held (hold) on August 8th this year.Many wonderful activities can ③be seen there ,such as Bull fighting,wrestling,Dance shows ,Horse racing ,and the Beauty contest,but the most attractive activity is the Bonfire Party,People sing and dance around the for a whole night,torch festival is not a simple holiday,but a symbol of the Yi family’s brave spirit.Yi torch festival ④has been recorded (record) in the national Intangible cultural heritage list(国家非物质文化遗产名录) for a long time.As we know,all of the activities ⑤are being prepared (prepare)now! How I wish I could join it immediately!
  Section 3:Make a poster
  1.Students will be asked to make a poster in group,and then stick their work on the blackboard.
  2.The group which uses the most passive voice and makes a beautiful poster will be the winner of this section,the teacher will give proper evaluation.
  3.关键词:凉都消夏文化节The Summer Cultural Festival of Cool Capital
  Name: ____________________________________
  History: ____________________________________
  Place: ________________________________
  Date: ____________________________________
  Activity: ____________________________________
  Step IV Summary
  1.Emphasize the usages of passive voice in different cases.
  1)Basic form:be done,“be” can be changed into different forms in different tenses.
  2)Behind modal verbs,“be” needn’t be changed .
  2.Lead the students to understand there are many traditions in our hometown waiting us to appreciate ,we should learn English well to introduce the customs to the world.
  Step V Homework
  Design a School Carnival
  Name: What’s the name of your carnival?
  History: Why do you hold such a carnival?
  Theme(主题): What’s your carnival for?
  Date: When do you plan to celebrate your carnival?
  Activity: How to celebrate your carnival?
【摘要】“学讲计划”的学习,引导了课堂教学的大改革,深层的更新的教学理念,改进了教师的教学方法和学生的学习方式。本文结合小学英语教学实践,浅谈“学讲”教学方式在课堂中的实施,以期为高效课堂尽自己的绵薄之力。  【关键词】小学英语 学讲计划 教学实践  “学讲计划”有效的尊重了学生的主体性,改变的广大教师的教学理念,实现了教师教学方式的改革,改变了学生的学习方式,积极的发挥了学生的主体作用。使我深刻
我叫格雷迪。如果你对亚特兰大历史或文化有所了解,就会知道有很多东西,比如有家医院都叫这个名字。这些建筑是以18世纪的一位报社记者亨利·W.格雷迪的名字命名的,他在种族隔离盛行前便对此表示反对。我的父亲,一位新闻工作者,给我起名时在姓氏前加上了亨利·W。就这样,这个世上又多了一个叫亨利·W.格雷迪的人——我。  我没有走我父亲的那条老路。为了避免年纪轻轻就蹲一年监狱,我接受了在美国军队服役的机会。部
【摘要】大学课堂除了专业技术知识的传输,对学生进行人文素质培养也非常重要。大学英语作为大学广泛性的基础课程,在学生人文素质培养中发挥着重要作用。本文以《新视野大学英语1》(第三版)为例,探讨以课堂为中心,以语篇材料为载体的人文素质的培养。  【关键词】大学英语 语篇 人文素质 培养  一、对大学生进行人文素质培养的必要性  《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》明确提出教育改革发展的方针,即“优先发
【Abstract】The fortnightly periodicity and other patterns of the seismic activities on the earth suggest that lunar and solar pulls are fundamental factors underlying earthquakes. The time lag in the d
学习兴趣是推动学生自主学习的一种重要心理因素。当一个学生对某种学习产生浓厚的兴趣时,才会积极主动而且心情愉快地参加各种学习活动。但是学习兴趣不是天生俱来的,培养学生的学习兴趣是教师的一项重要任务。在英语教学过程中,教师应注意通过多种教学方法和鼓励机制来引导学生,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。  一、利用实物,培养学生识记单词的兴趣  小学生的年龄较小,学习兴趣还不稳定,对于抽象
【Abstract】The poet applies many figures of speech into the poem “Drinking”, which gives us a vivid and animate impression.  【Key words】drinking; figures of speech  Ⅰ.Paraphrase  Everything in nature d
【摘要】内化于心外化行是文学艺术领域上的知行表达。而语言属于人类文学表达方式之基础,语言的结构也有一定的美学价值,二者密不可分。把内化于心外化行这一文学艺术术语用于小学生的语言实践技能培养正是基于该理论。笔者以该理论为引导,结合实际教学实践研究,提出的通过英语语言文化差异的渗透以及生活化情景再呈现等方式对小学生英语实践技能进行培养这一论点。  【关键词】内化于心外化行 生动教学 语言实践技能  生
【摘要】生态翻译学理论为口译译员的相关研究提供了一个全新的学术视野。在生态翻译学这一新的视角下译员口译策略是如何运用的?文章以2014年李克强总理答记者问为例,试对此问题进行探讨。  【关键词】生态翻译学 译员 口译策略  一、生态翻译学概述  生态翻译学“作为一个具有跨学科性质的生态学翻译研究途径,是运用生态理性、从生态学视角对翻译进行综观的整体性研究,是一个‘翻译即适应与选择’的生态范式和研究
【摘要】泰语教学旨在培养学生进行泰语交际的独立能力,即通过教育培养提高学生泰语各方面水平,如听、说、读、写和翻译等。在这五大能力中,最基础的就是听。本文以怎样成功的培养学生听泰语的能力入手,阐述了提升泰语听力的技巧和方法,为促进学生更好地运用泰语,提高泰语能力提供理论参考。  【关键词】泰语教学 听力训练 强化  泰语最终教学目的就是教育学生,提高学生泰语水平,培养学生全方位的泰语能力,如听、说、
【摘要】语言学科有自己独特的学习规律,而会话环境、阅读思维、词汇积累是其三个重要的指标。那么,教师应如何以高效课堂为突破口,优化教学模式,巧妙地创新英语教学呢?本文从匠心创新词汇教学策略,高效夯实学生的知识基础;匠心创设英语会话情景,高效提升学生的听说能力;匠心激活阅读教学课堂,高效发展学生的阅读思维三个方面阐述。  【关键词】高效课堂 创新模式 语言规律 能力提升  高中英语是一门培养学生语言交